Hogger Help. Plz Halp me git gud

I need help on Hogger so shot me your advice. Please and Thank you :slight_smile:

I’m fairly new to him and didn’t like him but after getting him a couple of times in ARAM I thought I wouldn’t mind trying him out. So any advice small or big will be greatly appreciated.

take all of the tnt talents, and hordapult ult (and 20 upgrade) its OP in ARAM :grin:
after level 7 you get assassin levels of damage!
also don’t be afraid to simply use your trait as a self heal, thats all i really do with it!

hordapult makes an excellent escape for when you hogg wild a little too enthusiastically and end up waaaay out of position, the lv 20 lets you take a ton of punishment since it is firing off tnt every 2 seconds and each time the tnt hit a hero you get a heal :slightly_smiling_face:

he’s one of my favourite aram heroes at the moment, waaay overtuned, assassin damage with ridiculous amounts of self healing

His Q makes a surprisingly good peel, and with consistently high rage, pretty spammable.

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Hogger is a character I’ve been learning a lot recently with roughly 69%~ win rate.

Hogger is a bruiser who can fill offlaner or in a team fight 4-Man situation, he excels at zoning and applying constant pressures, the more walls he has the better he excels.

His waveclear is respectable and comes from pretty much ALL HIS ABILITIES.

I’ll start explaining his basic abilities first (heroics will be explained in the Talent section below :man_shrugging:).

Loot Hoard (D/Trait)

You pretty much summon a terrain on the battlefield which behaves similar to the walls around you, this ability main purpose is to lock people paths and even allow you to cast your Q onto it for a stun.

Rage (Passive)

2 Rage = 1% faster cooldown, you gain 5 Rage from Auto Attacking and each time you take damage you gain 1 Rage, faster attacks per second allows better Rage generation.

Rage is important because it plays a massive role in this build I’m about to showcase below, especially with how he works, most importantly, his Hogg Wild.

Staggering Blow (Q)

Your Q hits in a wide arc in front of you and if anyone hits a wall including your Loot Hoard wall you made, then you stun them by 0.75, very simple ability, though keep in mind that in doesn’t matter in which position you hit them through the arc, they will knockback based on their position to your position, in other words, if you hit them at the tip and they are exactly North of you, then they will be knock backed North.

Each stunned enemy also grants 15 rage, this means that if you are doing a merc camp you ALWAYS stun the mercs as much as possible so you can abuse Hogg Wild which deals more damage per Rage, 1 Rage = 1% damage increase.

Ez-Thro Dynamite (W)

Very simple ability with a 30% slow for 2 seconds baked into it, instant detonation rewards a nice 10 Rage, if you fail to land it on someone it will detonate shortly, nothing to explain much about it other than applying pressure and zoning, it has a very respectable damage too.

Hogg Wild (E)

Use your E to become unstoppable with a side case of bouncing to any wall which refreshes its duration, if used correctly this talent can be a team fight winner.

It allows you to apply a lot of pressure to the backline while at the same time cause a lot of damage in tight corners.

When mercs are involved you want to abuse the terrain around you to get the most damage out of Hogg Wild, if there are no walls present to keep going then reposition yourself to any nearby wall throw Loot Hoard and cast Hogg Wild so you can ping pong and shred the camp as fast as possible. A great tip to maximize camp clearing is to use Staggering Blow before starting the camp, 2 stunned siege golems before starting is 30% damage increase on hogg wild, while knight camps can get you to 45% damage increase as a head start.


Here’s the build I go for.

The above prioritize in an offlaner situation and situational are worth picking if needed.

Level 1

In a 4-Man composition you swap “Bones to Gnaw” with Journeyman Cooking, as it provides more healing, the reason is simply put the heal will out perform the trait the more targets you hit, this and your W is on a very short cooldown that there’s more healing received in comparison to 24% healing from 2 meats, the quest in the W talent is a secondary, you simply should not care about it, you care about the burst heal.

On the Prowl has seen a lot of pick rate and is still worth picking if you are more comfortable with a passive heal and sustain rage for 11 seconds between rotations, a fully Raged Hogger allows him to abuse his abilities more and be more effective in an expected team fight.

Level 4

Is super one dimensional because Aggro Range is such a busted talent beyond belief, Rage generation is easy and very forgiving even with simply utilizing E in both offensive ways or zoning ways, there’s some situations where “Hogger’s Joggers” becomes more optimal but IMO I never found myself in a case where I would pick it over Aggro Range.

Brute Force is really bad because Hogger strong utility is not from his basic attack but the amount of dive pressure he can apply to the backline with his abilities which both other talents on that tier excel at, 15% movement speed hogger is scary, and larger hit box on a very shred oriented ability like Hogg Wild can win fights better, especially when you can go from 0 to 100 Rage in just few seconds, also the range increase on brute force can be debated that makes the trait into Q combo easier to land but despite that I never found it problematic with a little bit of practice using the default range of his trait throw.

Level 7

You should prioritize “Garbage Fire” because of the 20% slow feature, it causes a lot of pressure and gap closer with a nice small bonus of lower cooldown.

“Seeing Red” does two things, more attack speed means you now attack 0.99 attacks per second (in other words every second) which translates to more rage regeneration and more CDR on two of your most important abilities, more E allows more aggression and his Q having a much lower CDR can be very disruptive.

As for “Dense Blasting Power” is a huge meme, I’ve given this few shots and simply put never liked it and because you sacrifice your Q for more dynamites and the dynamite gets deleted if it steps on terrain, meaning this ability goes on a massive anti synergy on a hero literally designed on abusing walls around them, the dynamite spawning in front of them is nice but I never found it useful much in comparison to the other two, more healing is nice but there’s line where more healing is just too much that you better put that power into CC and damage instead.

Level 10

I always favor Hoardapult, it provides a lot of things and makes you do stupid stuff like:

  1. Engage fleeing targets and finish them off a Q to a wall.
  2. Strong repositioning tool due 60 seconds cooldown allows constant abuse of the ability.
  3. Disengage
  4. Making your bootleg entomb
  5. Allows you to use Hogg Wild between two Loot Hoards which causes a lot of pressure, this excels real hard once you reach level 13.

Oh and it makes you get away with stuff like this:

Also open areas become less of a problem with how reliant he is on walls.

As for Shockwave I’ve seen it being mostly used to finish off or do a full CC chain on someone by engaging with the trait, throw a Loot Hoard behind then followed by your Q → W → E which causes a lot of pressure applied, not to mention it hits everyone in its path, though I don’t find it as useful but its there if you need more chain stuns involved for locking down targets.

Level 13

Pummel is super strong right now, 50% spell power reduction while sounds like a “mage only” ability, it actually hurt healers too, as their healing is also reliant on the spell power they have, if its less they heal less, by making them heal less you are applying a lot of pressure, the slow is also important, as shown in the Haunted Mines video above they were 50% slowed down due being frequently damaged and even caused Raynor’s healing ability to heal by 12.5% instead of 25% while any instance of healing Deckard Cain is also reduced by half.

Dust Devil, armor has been nerfed again and again when I believe it was perfectly fine after the first nerf, the idea is that you pick it to tank more during your aggressive engage as long as you have rage, can work defensively in surviving better but that’s about it, you tank more after stop Hogg Wild for 3 seconds on the price of no 50% slow and spell power.

Bloodthirst is a big meme and should only picked in an AA oriented build, which means Brute Force and Seeing Red merged together, but as I implied you don’t build Hogger around AA, you build him around your abilities, additionally the healing from Hogg Wild is sub optimal and the two other talents pretty much do the same exact job but better.

Level 16

Recommend Headbanger because it applies a nice layer of damage and more stun duration otherwise if you believe you will not have a lot of effective usage from it Furzerker gives a nice AA increase to be merged with your already strong abilities and 30% movement speed allows fast reposition.

Kablooie! is very debatable but the CDR is nice if you want more zoning and pressure and a better source of slow, the catch is you must hit your W else you are in trouble, more range means more poke possibility and better landing for an ability that has a respectable but noticeable delay before it triggering if it lands on someone.

Level 20

Anger Management, 10 Rage from AA and more Rage means more damage for you E ability on top of generating it much faster, I honestly believe this ability is super strong with the right execution and is very safe and worth picking in pretty much any situation.

No Control, whilst looks like a meme can excel in after using your E and pray your enemies are clumped up for full potential, its very combo oriented and can be devastating for your enemy… and yourself… Biggest fuss on this is that its all RNG so pray its on your side, otherwise can see potential in a single target DPS if only one is present at the cost of a lower duration.

Secret Stash, works, probably works too much when you pick that level 1 W, a lot of pressure as long as nearby enemies are present, and a crap top of heals too

If you pick Shockwave on level 10 I would recommend Power Spike for the… power spike, I think its ok and helps even more in a lockdown situation, 15 armor reduction is noticeable and having it more frequently is always nice.


Awesome guide, worthy of a topic of it’s own. Thanks. Have been wanting to master this hero for a while.


Thank you, I might consider making its own guide if I have the time to polish all that was written in that post.

Rereading it right now and I’ve already noticed so many grammar mistakes and typos. eeeh


This is not enough. I need more information.


If you dance and queue a movement command before it expires it will bugs out Hogger and make him dance whenever he stops moving, this will go on until the animation completes.



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This is a secret tip, it has a 1% chance confusion in a real game.

Ok, If Hogger can dance on a horse, he’s OP!

But now the important things. Skin and mounts.


Default best Hogger, don’t @ me.

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Wait what? That sentence confused me.

Wow this is such an awesome guide. Thank you so much I can’t wait to give him a go when I get back from work

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