Hogger audio problems

Hi again, I’d like to point out again a problem with one of Hogger’s voice lines, “Maniacal Laughter”.

It simply won’t play. The play button in the collection doesn’t even budge, and trying to use it in a match produces nothing.

The problem seems to arise only if the audio is set to “Italian” (like me), tried to change the audio to English and Spanish and it works fine in both of them.

There’s also this problem where Hogger’s lock-in quote does not play in quick match, but this one seems to span across all languages, not just Italian.

Anyway I’m hopeful these will eventually be fixed, so I can finally have a laugh with Hogger too, like I always do with Arthas. ; )

Sorry to insist, but I’m always waiting reasonable amounts of time between reports, and now that we are “hopefully” close to a patch seemed the right time to ask again.

Bye bye! Keep up the good work!