Hgc needs to come back

If you want to be left alone, maybe a net-forum is not the best place to hang out spreading lies :thinking:

I provided math for one thing. You provided math for a completely different thing I wasn’t talking about. I didn’t bother responding because it is comparing apples and oranges

I provided math for both things.

Everyone tells lies. Lying is not immoral. I want you to stop trying to “expose” my account information because it is my choice who to disclose that to.

Lying is immoral. It’s another thing that there are existing examples, when lying can do more good than harm, but that is not true for your case tho.

No. It has no moral connotation. You can lie in a way that causes harm, and you can lie in a way that does not, or even does good. It has no inherent value one way or another

A lie about whether or not something is my account hurts nobody at all and doesn’t matter unless someone starts a freaking vendetta over it

Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour.
Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

Killing is always wrong. Just because sometimes you can do more good than harm with it, doesn’t make it moral. It is a lot more serious example than lying, but you can get the idea.
Being dishonest is a bad behaviour, therefore immoral.

It also makes your reputation worse (if that’s still possible).

brain.exe has stopped working

Sorry, but I don’t agree with you Hail.
If I know one thing, but later I find out it was a lie all time, it’s more hard to experience it than when you got truth instantly without lies.

Plus it matters when you say Blizz ignores you and Valeera and then someone by accident links your Valeera post which got an answer by Blizz!

I disagree. Dishonesty doesn’t actually hurt anybody on it’s own.

If someone asks me if I like gum and I say no, but I really do, so what? Nobody got hurt. Nobody suffered. It wasn’t a problem for anybody. How that is “immoral” is beyond me.

Being a decent human being isn’t just about not hurting others.
Just because something you do doesn’t hurt anybody right now doesn’t make it moral, or acceptable.
Bad behaviours are bad. You can sugar coat, but you won’t be right, and ppl won’t take you seriously.

You have yet to give a reason why lying/dishonesty/whatever you want to call it is bad.

It can be used in moral or immoral ways

Do you try to fight the following statement: being honest is a virtue.

Yes. Sometimes honesty is the best choice, sometimes it is not.

So you don’t think honesty is a virtue?

Sorry but basically the whole world disagrees with your unique definitions and worldviews:

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That image doesn’t prove anything. Your argument is circular. “Honesty is moral because honesty is a virtue. Honesty is virtuous because it is moral.”

Dishonesty is immoral, because it makes you untrustworthy.
Society and groups don’t like ppl who they can’t trust.
I’m not religious but there is a good reason why religions (and parents) teach their kids not to lie. I’m sad yours haven’t done so…

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lol hots is no more closed than any other league, it would be near impossible to promote e-sport in the abstract of some specific game

Hail is bac trolling the forums once again with bad suggestions


It is clear we just look at this different ways. I don’t think we are going to be able to end this one way or the other when it simply comes down to different core values.

I think the best thing to do at this point is agree to disagree and move on.