Heros of the storm daily quest bug

it seems that Daily quests are broken on my account, for the past 2-3 days, i have two quests, one to play as assassin 0/3 and one to play as healer 1/3, even if play as those characters, it never goes away, maybe there is a way that you can reset my daily quests or renew them? thanks
and it seems like this ticket for some reason defaults to Diablo 4 refund, i don’t even play that game…


у меня тоже со вчерашнего дня эта проблема,зависли квесты и всё,помогите пжл)

Stesso problema ho io e una trentina di utenti. Forse è un problema del server UE che dura da 3 giorni ormai…speriamo risolvano presto

Me too…

Quest will not be completed even though Tank and Diablo Hero are used, and no new quests will be added. The 2 quests Tank and Diablo Hero are not completed despite selection.

Have the same problem

Guys we need to report this bug through battle net so that Blizzard would at least try to notice

i got the same problem
play 2 games as diablo
play 3 games as a tank or bruiser hero
play 3 matches a a warcraft hero
ive been stuck the last 3-5days

same problem same problem

exact same problem. same

same problem sam problem

Another person here with the same issue! :frowning:

I have the same problem, bugged daily quests.

Same here, even ranked games don’t progress my quests

Same here Play 2 games as StarCraft Hero for 200 gold for over 3 days already.

same problem
i have no progression on dailies for example
win 3 games (1/3)
play 8 games (0/8)
play 3 games for support(0/3)
i played more than 20 games and won more than 3 is there is any idea how to report it to any admin or someon else?

Yep, same here, no progression on daily quests

Same exact issue here. frustrating with 0 way of opening a support ticket.

Та же проблема.

Не засчитываются ежедневные задания.
Я выполняю их условия, но счётчик не меняется.

Например, задание “сыграйте 8 матчей”.
Прямо сейчас я сыграл 2 матча, а на счётчике 0.

Также, нужно сыграть 1 матч за персонажа из StarCraft.
Я только что сыграл за Тайкуса. Но счётчик не сдвинулся.

Same problem here, for more than a week.
No new quests and no progress on the current quest.

Same Problem here the support send me to this forum to post it