Heroes, What do you miss in the game that is now removed?

Brawls with all ten players on the same hero.


1 - Brawls (this was probably the best thing in the whole game, most people loved them)
2 - Structure ammo
3 - Structure exp
4 - Structures not hitting heroes.
5 - Old and good Tassadar


Old GoT, Whitemane and Tyrande.

My name speaks it all.

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Weird comment but okay
Did you leave the game or what?

Old Tassadar. I miss old Tassadar. That’s obvious af.

And you know that, come on.

Why would you assume it?
I’m studying, but I “didn’t leave it.” I am just away from pc for X kilometres.


Ow I thought you moved on by now



Haunted Mines !!!

I’m too new to answer this, but I’m giving you a like because you called me a hero. It is not me, friend. It is you who is a hero.


You’re the real rock star :star:

On topic, I want events back. Lunar skins were amazing and I think every Fall skins were awesome (Scarlett Heist, Fall of King’s Crest, etc.)


spinning tyrande physics… aka bodacious butt bug

Actual stealth


Kerrigan’s old talent to leap to allies. When timed right you could follow a Falstad or Illidan across the map for insta ganks.
Raynor’s old Hyperion CD build. A Card to Play with Puttin on a Clinic was good fun when there was a TLV around and I’d be popping Hyperion 2-3 times during core pushes. It’s probably more consistent these days but back then I was literally the only person I ever saw using it so I felt cool.

My favorite strat was Reinforce Structure on Tassadar
Couldn’t very well kill the golem fast on your own but it damn well couldn’t kill your towers either.

Mines was a my favorite map with all the confusion and whacky chases around the entrances.

I have a folder with all the backdrops for those.
They really did give off a good feeling that made you interested in the hero. Feels a little lacking when they just drop them into the roster and put them on the Featured page.

I did enjoy it sometimes but 99% of it was drop pot and run unless you knew you could win the fight if you stayed. Was extremely annoying to deal with.

Vehicle objectives are cool but there’s too many answers to them. They become an easy stacking target for one, Tychus can shred DK like no one’s business, somewhat the same for Protector but it presents some threats to people that just want to walk up and attack it, DK is dead in the water if charge is on cd.

She was fairly popular before strict buffs the rework. IIRC she had the highest pick/ban rate amongst tanks if only by a slight margin. Maybe second or third highest I already forget.

I loved and hated how that update instantly removed half the split pushs strats from the game.

I’ll see you in the Nexus. :wink:



Many other players.
Sure, I miss a few maps and old hero builds, dearly even.
But what I wish to experience is consistent match quality, teammate and opponent skill.


If we just talk about the game then:
Haunted mines (both old and new)
Old Tassadar
Brawls, all of them
Events always having a lot of content and challenges to have fun with
Animated and interactive hero screens (I still remember the duck hunt Easter egg)
Lip-syncing on new heroes
Jaina sprint

If we talk about things outside the game then it’s definitely hero trailers, they were always so good…


Other players.

ba dum tiss

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Yeah, and not only that, you could REALLY force the enemy to respond a lane and give stuff on the map if you knew how to control minions waves and make a big one. Sure it will deal damage nowadays but not as much.

There were some cheese strats back then like Chen going to a lane and just soaking shots with his shield trait, sure the system had some things to improve, but it was a very unique mechanic and I really liked that.

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Zarya getting free shield charge and depleting shots, Varian parrying a volley, anyone with summons
Sylv tower steals are still a thing but I don’t see it happen much these days.