Heroes of the Storm Reddit AMA Schedule - Summer 2019

the only thing i want to know is are we ever going to get real solution’s for players feeding and players leaving the game

The recent announcement of Quira has been met with controversy. What is Blizzard’s stance on this and how do you think it will impact future decisions regarding which new heroes to create/release?

This thread is for the dates where AMAs are held, if you wish that question to be answered it is most probably be better to ask the question during the next AMA
on reddit (8th of August).


I see! Thanks for the tips.

Our last Summer AMA post is up and ready for players to start asking the team questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/cmf25v/heroes_of_the_storm_ama_august_8_2019/

Once we have the Fall AMA schedule ready, we’ll post about it in the forums with the dates of each AMA.


QHERA ITS BROKEN. OP:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

QUIRA ITS BA BROKEN HERO ITS OP :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage: