Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - October 23, 2023

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - October 23, 2023

Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.

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Lots of bug fixes and some minor changes, nice.


It is always nice to see HotS get some type of love.


Maybe there are a little more dev on the game to fix the bugs for a potential future release on Steam? Maybe…


MS is going to port this to Steam, Xbox and probably Quest 3


Developers who remain, please read this request to fix the bug.
Medivh’s shield healing does not increase based on the hero’s spell power. Thank you very much for fixing Gul’Dan’s self-healing, I hope you fix this before going live

UPD: It turns out you already fixed this, sorry, I was spreading fake news


Thanks for mentioning this

Hey can you make it so when Dva enters or exits a mech the abathur symbiot doesn’t get kicked off of her? That would be great. It doesn’t get removed when alex switches forms. So not sure why Dva does.


I saw whitemane got some quality of life changes
I’m disappointed but… it’s something I guess

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  • Anti-Armor Shells now applies debuff after damage.

Ouch. That is actually a brutal nerf. I guess it’s back to One in the Chamber.


I’ll do my part and test the PTR :mag:

Edit: D.Va’s mech gets damaged every time she AAs.
On the plus side, AI D.Va can finally use Self Destruct.

Not the boat buff I was hoping for but still a cool patch, I do find it funny that its a sabotage got nerfed by proxy

That’s A LOT of fixes for a game that’s in maintenance mode.

It’s absolutely getting re-launched somewhere, perhaps Steam since they already added Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4.


Seems to be the case across the board with such abilities. They did the same with Sylvanas not too long ago, and I think they did the same with a few other heroes recently as well.

Ive been on the hunt for games after finally coming to terms that hots was a lost cause… now you dangle this little gleaming light of hope through the cracks of despair and back to spam queueing i go! I will advertise HOTS on every single one of my 85 dumpsters if that would help inspire you guys to do what it takes to get this game back on the esports scene


Hots esports is still going, its just not sponsored by blizzard anymore. Look for hots NGS games.


Please make Auriel - Reservoir of Hope, 16 Talent stacks, visible on the talent board, during and post-game. :slight_smile:

Love the fixes and attention the game is getting!


omg they didnt abandon us!!!


Where is the mention of the move to Steam?

The word REVEALS is used 84 times.

What exactly does this mean? Some specific spells mention it is only for 2 seconds, but what about everything else? There isn’t any mention of the duration time.

I would understand Valeera’s Garrote to reveal for the duration while damage is being dealt, but 2 seconds out of a base 2.5 silence duration or even the base 7 sec DOT? What’s the logic here? Patch notes indicate that for example Murky’s Slime now reveals for the duration on the debuff but why is Valeera’s Blade Flurry exactly listed as having a 2 sec reveal when it doesn’t have a DOT or a slowing effect component. As far as I’ve noticed she has Poison talents which last 4 seconds so why isn’t reveal attached to those effects instead and why does it last for only half the debuff duration. Malthael’s reveal effect lasts for the full duration of Reaper’s Mark, which can be extended from the base 4 seconds. Where is the consistency with all these new changes?

Garrosh’s Decimate for example - instant damage without the DOT component but that this now mean that he will keep vision of enemy heroes running into the bush? If I am not wrong that sounds like an idiotic change. There are some locations on many maps where you can momentarily escape sight and possibly be allowed to run into one of the two or more directions to try and lose the player who is chasing you. Does every attack from every hero in the game now put a red Revealed icon over your head? Telegraphing your every movement isn’t an improvement on basic gameplay.

If Samuro’s 30% HP recovery for the duration of Windwalk doesn’t sound crazy enough, it sure does in combination with Wind Strider. It will become impossible for anyone to take or control an objective against him alone. He will attack, trade half of your health and disappear for a brief moment before returning to finish you. You’ve just successfully turned him into Illidan that can disengage on demand the moment a high burst ability gets wasted on him and return with +30% of his health before your basic abilities even get the chance to refresh. This makes him more powerful than with the old image-recall trick because your HP regenerates at a fixed non-percentage rate in the spawn point so it would become less potent in the late game.

A whole lot of experimental changes and you still can’t find someone to fix the game update bug? tt

Tracer Ricochet will not bounce if bounce target cannot be seen
Are we talking about standing in a bush or invisible/stealth targets because I believe Sylvanas’ Remorseless might still bounce to a player who is away from sight, sometimes even across the bush.