Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - April 16, 2024

I feel like all the “matching visual indicators” and “terrain interaction” and “doesn’t interact with map objects” are clearly issues I knew all along and not skill-checks that I failed :disguised_face:


Very exciting! Lots of great fixes


Yay! Thanks for the hard work devs, your loyal players love you very much!


I didn’t even know some heroes were excluded from same hero (except those that don’t show up in ARAM).



Can someone explain that one to me?

  • Biting Cold [E]
    • Damage increase is now additive.

Biting Cold (Level 13)World of WarcraftArthas

Each second an enemy is damaged by Frozen Tempest, it deals 12.5% bonus damage, up to a 50% bonus.

How was it not already additive? Same for embrace Death.

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I missed it at first, but THANK GOD you can now activate Thrall and Gul’dan’s heal buttons while mounted. That’s such a nice quality of life improvement.

I assume they mean with other bonuses. They might have been multiplicative before.


But Leo can’t activate Ossein renewal though :frowning:

The amount of fixes, holy crap

So much attention for “a dead game”


I think the patchnotes got a bit frazzled, it means Siphoning Toxin, and seems to more in relation to it applying when DoTs are already active, or when there’s multiple targets effected.

Previously, it’d activate whenever Lunara dealt damage to an enemy with Nature’s Toxin, so long as it hadn’t activated in the last 0.9375 seconds, whereas now it’ll activate once every second, constantly ticking that second so long as at least 1 target is afflicted by Nature’s Toxin.


I did not understand any of that :neutral_face:

Probius and Nova was removed so I guess they want to keep the game mode and remove heroes that makes the game too long. Good that Blizzard dont listen to the minority that cry all day about it should be removed just because its thier main game mode they only play.


resume full development of HotS now that China is back in the picture! Pls and ty!

Thank you for not forgetting about us, this is the only game i still play and have fun

  • Anduin
    • Can once again hold his sword high and proud.

I once read about it in a post on Reddit ppl request to return this due to it got fixed from previous patch.

Another proof that there’s somebody do read and care enough to put little thing that completely irrelevant affected the match but joy on player back for us.


Very pleased with Arthas buff, and Rehgar / Hogger nerfs… but, where the heck are the Samuro nerfs?

More Samuro bug fixes that make him even easier to play… and no nerf in sight to the most OP hero in the game.

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Ty for bringing the game back to life!

Thanks for this update !
Suggestion for Auriel, Searing Light lv1 talent : display damage in Buff Bar/ talent description please (like Anduin’s Blessed Recovery)


It sounds like a neat little thing but I never know how to make it happen. Also some thing took off the quick cast setting sounds like a nerf to a lot of abilities that roots you down and you need to stop to move out of the way fast xD

I also didn’t know how to coz I’m not an andy player :smile:, but it apparently would be just cast W before the match begin and don’t die to keep Anduin in that stance as this guy mentioned in his post.



they never doing something to vikings :smiling_face_with_tear:

While there are many hit and miss heroes, depending on the player, I feel consistently disappointed by Arthas. I think it is due to his inability to peel.

Just played alongside an apparently very skilled, survivable Arthas player, who used to have 65% of 48 during Preseason but his lifetime is 60% of 82.

I hope that the buff to E would help him in bruiser matches, but with the current meta of 3-4 ranged heroes (tank/mirror being one, so excluding 5v5), I feel that he just doesn’t bring anything to the table.

I would consider moving him to bruiser role, as long as there aren’t at least 3 enemy melee heroes. (Bit of a complicated matchmaking rule.)

(Last 50 matches of mine, Arthas score is 0:5. 1 loss with and 4 wins against.)

One more thing I’d love to see is visible QM MMR, whatever that is. We already know that matches are rainbow, however, it would be nice to know whether we were facing a very skilled B5 Muradin or a Diamond. For science. Inspecting people shows SL rank, but only a few have it.

Being totally average and fairly experienced I have a fairly good feel of what I face (easy vs hard), but it would still be nice to have a bit of data.