Heroes of the Storm Has Really Changed

the problem is that the worst HOTS players are often weekend-only hyper casuals who queue up basically to do nothing in QM/unranked/ARAM for a bit, sometimes with the casual friends who also don’t care. Blizz keeps trying to appeal to these types of players instead of active players who want to get better. It’s a double whammy of approaching the development of the game in the wrong way+ the target demographic not being interested in playing the game seriously whatsoever.


The problem with said crowd in particular as well is that the best way to attract them is with new content being churned out quickly, which they just aren’t going to accomplish at this point with the slowed down cadence.

One thing that the recent anomaly has shown is that even with a very obvious visual representation teaching casuals or correcting bad behavior ends up as an exercise in futility – they still ended up ignoring the orbs and it just made it more tedious for those that already did soak prior. It didn’t accomplish the goal of improving the intended playerbase, they remained bad all through out LOL.


What is with you people and your worship of HGC. Do you not realize that most of the player base didn’t watch or care about HGC. It had very little influence on the game itself, hardly anyone watched it, and it wasn’t increasing the amount of players or profits. That is why it was cancelled. The players of this game haven’t changed since HGC is gone.

Most of us don’t interact with the highest level players and could care less about min/maxing. We play this game for fun. If you aren’t having fun then quit.

Sometimes we want to have a 4 support team and go to QM for a 30 minute game we lose and don’t care. We did it for the lulz.

Sorry to hear you had to play with peasants in QM. Hopefully next time you’ll play with players of similar skill so you won’t be forced to make a post here about how HOTS players are trash since HGC was cancelled.

Yeah guys, those 65k viewers (not including the chinese) in major events and even sometimes in league were nothing! Stop talking about HGC, no one ever watched it!.


I smell sarcasm.

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No. If you can tell from the beginning you will lose, you stop trying to make it easier to end the game.

Aside from events, which have been of questionable quality, no rewards require winning.

I am having fun, its just I’m speaking in general how in one year the game has changed dramatically.

You can keep lying to yourself and have fun, but anyone with actual experience over the course of the year can see it, casual or not.

HGC has been doing fine when it comes to numbers especially when it comes to average watch time, they just clowned over Diablo Immortal and went damage control by doing more damage control :clown_face:

And that’s not even part of my point above, my point is I don’t want to deal with a huge gap of skill when queueing up only to be dealing with a bunch of players who play like actual bots.

Oh yeah I do those for memes when I have a group to play with, solo Qing or 2 groups are hell to queue in at best.

This entire post shows you either haven’t read the topic or your assuming things that were not even part of the point I am sharing here.


This is just blatantly false. Pro Games pretty much always directly impact the game by showing off exactly what certain heroes can do when built properly, played properly and drafted around properly. Even if most players didn’t watch HGC, it still largely impacted the game since things trickle down. Regardless, the existence of a strong pro scene is crucial for making a competitive game last. Imagine if right now, I clapped my hands and the entire NBA disappeared. How many people would continue to play high school and college basketball? My guess is the numbers would start to drop immediately since there is no longer an ultimate goal to look forward to.

No offense but this attitude is why HOTS is in such a sorry state. This is the attitude that makes people not care about getting better or trying to win games in a COMPETITIVE TEAM GAME. Imagine showing up to a basketball game and just lazily flinging your arms side to side instead of trying to play and saying “BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN I SHOULD GET INTO POSITION, I’M JUST HERE TO HAVE FUN LOL WHO CARES ABOUT OPTIMAL PLAY, THIS ISN’T THE NBA BRO!”. I can guarantee that dude isn’t going to be finding many people interesting in playing with him.

Again, this is why HOTS is in a sorry state. you can do your own custom games or play vs AI if you are only interested in ruining queue with garbage games. You are actively choosing to make the game worse for other players because “IT’S JUST A GAME BRO!”.

This isn’t even CLOSE to the point of Sami’s post. The point is that there are massive skill gaps when matchmaking puts games together which shouldn’t be the case.


I still find players that want to win and have fun at the same time but its just so rare now. Most of them dont even say a word whole game cause they are affraid people will report them for abuse chat. Others spend the whole game flaming about nothing and the rest are just feeders/trolls that want to ruin others enjoyment and only want this game to shut down. Samis replay is a perfect example of how games can be sometimes when you play with the wrong people.
None of them communicate when sami and dr.logan talk to them, so both of them just wasted all their time trying to talk to players that properly got them all muted or got chat turn off cause reasons. I have played semi-hardcore raiding in wow for 4 years in wow before i quitted and i know much communication plays a role in teamgames.

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I’ve had bad starts and still won before. If you haven’t lost yet there’s no guarantee you will.

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Yes, don’t forget I’ve been playing this game since alpha, so I’ve seen pretty much all there is to it. What I’m trying to explain is why most people don’t bother to win. I lost a lot of games simply because people weren’t trying to win. This is why the multiplayer experience is so terrible, and why so many bad players float around. Because most good players left a long time ago.

And since there are no rewards that require winning (daily quests can be done with AI) all we have are skin farmers. These people obviously have a lot of time on their hands so they hardly care about losing.

The gaming experience for a competitive player is simply horrible right now. Even closed alpha was far better. At least people tried to win back then.

As for ranked, it is a joke, and has been so for a very long time. They constantly screwed up people and their own systems. Free rewards for playing games in ranked was such a bad idea. Mmr skewing, pbmmr fiasco, hiding groups in load screen - all epic failures that increased players distrust in the system. You can’t have ranked if people don’t trust the system is fair.

This is one reason I personally believe that the ability to turn chat off was a mistake to be even a thing by default.

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