Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - October 7, 2020

Of course it can indeed work, and of course it can land, but Wailing Arrow is still better in 90% of situations. My issue isn’t that Mind Control isn’t able to accomplish some things. but the fact that Wailing Arrow will almost always accomplish more and MC direly needs a better buff or Sylvanas will continue to only have one Heroic.

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I disagree. If you are good using skillshots then Mind Control can compete against Wailing Arrow. It’s just depends on your comp and what your team need. WA is a combo breaker, while MC is a risky single target CC. If you have Sylvanas in your team and you have already initation tools and don’t need combo breaker, because enemys have no diver for example, you can get that CC (except you can’t hit skillshots well).

WA sees more play than MC in general, because it’s an easier skillshot. When we had the old MC I remember that people took it over WA, because it was an easy lockdown spell without risk.

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considering her play style now, yes, wailing arrow is,
its the longest range CONFIRM silence.
really good against etc mash, nazeebo spirit, even lili jugs… bcoz of the fact that its not blocked or stopped by the first body hit.

but mind control is good in a niche,
if ur playing her more as a solo laner, holding one lane, i would go mind control. otherwise, like u said, 90% or may b 95% its wailing arrow,

the 3 stacks added to mind control is nothing, even if they buffed the damage of mind control hitting the enemy by 10% it would hav been better.

i think, the ONLY possible way of making mind control an ulti near about equal to wailing arrow = make its travel speed faster, much faster, if not faster than wailing arrow, at least same speed

Or how about making it slower but chase the nearest hero? lol

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hmmmm, but i would like to add,

make it slower more slower, BUT ,

no matter how far the target goes , the mind control brings him walking back to the place where it was casted :smiley:

I wouldn’t say this is the reason why WA > MC, but it’s just safer to play. If we would still have the old MC I tend to say more people would pick MC over WA. It’s all about taken risk and people don’t like to take risk, because there is a chance to fail.

No Qhira buff’s or KTZ buff’s
I’ll take this as evidence that they don’t intend the Medallion to stay after this season

No Zagara buffs either :frowning:


its not just tht, with click option, u can click the backline n bring him closer, if they all clustered on ur towers,
currently, it will brng the first person it contacts,

for me, the issue is the speed of projectile, if the speed of projectile is inreases and the speed at which the enemy comes to u is increased, i would pick it always, unless im the only one with the option to silence n its a must take,

MC makes syl a more safe solo laner as well as a ganker,
MC with Q build n double E can shred down even bruisers from 100 to 0 very easily

with click option, u can click the backline n bring him closer,

Main problem with that is cleanse, but people under gold usually wont pick it to save their teammate. So in a way, MC can be good in silver or bronze.

(Because people don’t pick cleanse)

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Oh look. I was right.

So was everyone else with a brain that called this right out the gate. I don’t know what the heck Blizzard was thinking buffing this hero.

He needed buffs. That much we shouldn’t need to debate