Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - November 4, 2020

Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - November 4, 2020

Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance changes! Read on for details.

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It’s as I had thought: Gaz Q nerfs and Anub nerfs.

No buffs for Artanis though.

And nice job in the Azmodan buffs.

I can’t believe they finally reworked WHJ!


Ok, but the changes to Warhead Junction.

Also yay, buffs to underused talents that I picked!


Developer Comment: We read some feedback that since our global Movement Speed increase many patches ago, Alexstrasza has a bit of awkwardness where she can outrun her Abundance proc, even when it is cast at max range. We agree and feel she can use a small buff in general, so we’re giving Abundance a range increase.

oh so people like me who knew alex needed a buff aren’t wrong. good to know :expressionless:

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Need to check out the Lunara and Orphea changes.

Not sure yet i like the WHJ changes.

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They buffed one of my fav talents starward spear, and then also made me want to pick accelerated contamination as well, I don’t think I could ever go past ss tho now.

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I fail to see how Anub’arak was nerfed, perhaps if the enemy has percentage damage maybe, but it looks like pure buffs.


Overall this is a good patch. My only issues are: Dva’s rush down getting nerfed in both aspects again, the Gaz nerfs seem all over the place and lacking direction, and it’s good to see Alex getting some attention but I was hoping for more.

Anub’s pet talent finally buffed!
Throwing Shade now deals dmg? :open_mouth:
Leoric and Dehaka buffs, noice.
Varian buffs? :open_mouth:


Anub finally got some late game love! I really like the throwing shade buff on paper. It’s nice seeing bruiser buffs especially Leo and Dehaka. They both felt like they needed some love. Varian was unexpected but I like the changes to HKQ and lions maw.


Winrate wise Leo, Chen, Varian and Dehaka were the lowest, so not surprised.
But I’m already really successful with Varian so I’m just like… wut? :smiley:

They were not doing so hot but we did just get a significant bruiser meta shake up. These buffs are all good though. I overlooked Chen because his builds are very strict for me. I might try some of these talents out and see if these buffs are worth changing my builds for.


New Cryptweave is terrifying


No TLV nerfs.


No Yrel nerfs yey <3


I am mildly surprised that Anub was strictly buffed, and Rewind wasn’t removed. 4 stuns is still too good, in my opinion. It can also used for devastating hit and run tactics.

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Sololaners getting better might be enough ;p

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Dehaka might be a decent counterpick to tlv now


As a player that has many games played on Dehaka i approve of those buffs.

Also finally mage build falstad is back again

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