Heroes needs to be balanced

Some heroes are just busted right now atleast with some talents especially in ARAM which is not to be ignored because it is not a “casual mode” on EU it is played religiously except on weekends. Winrates dont justify the hero state of balance anymore because the matchmaking(MMR calculation) is deciding the outcome of the matches far more than the skill of the average gamer player playing said OP hero.

Now lets name some of these sometimes OP heroes:
Samuro: Just too much self-healing, why doesnt Valeera get this treatment? Hailstorm might’ve still been on this forum if this was the case.
Zagara: Her roachlig %damage build, too safe, too much damage, too little counterplay, too outshines her other builds.
Zul’jin: Remember when we gave ZJ a talent that made him get twice the stacks? So what was the purpose of the other t1 talents again? I dont mind ZJ that much because alot of tanks counter him, but for ARAM when there are no heals it doesnt seem fair that one of if not the highest dps in the game gets a free giga heal button. I understand alot of heroes have advantages with self-healing in no-heal-ARAMs so maybe what I’m asking for is an all-across adjustment or added talent for heroes lacking in this department.
Leoric: Needs to be buffed to the point where he exists in ARAM again, honestly this is such a crime. You dont respond to trolls running it down by removing all of it, this is a beta-defeatist mindset.
Mephisto: 1 word: SPITE. The level 4 globe talent. This talent alone has made Mephisto possibly the most disgusting hero to ever grace ARAM.
Stitches: If some heroes got their ults removed just for ARAM I’m sure Stitches could atleast use an increased cooldown for gorge in ARAM. I’m sick of this fat f*** gorging and running 3 feet to have a secured kill. Totally makes some melees unplayable or the games extremely passive.
Garrosh: Same thing as Stitches with his throw range talent, totally makes some melees unplayable or the games extremely passive in ARAM.
Valla: AA talent at 20. Sgt ‘hypermobile’ hammer Valla that casually outranges forts. To be honest I dont mind it too much but maybe I just havent seen a good Valla in a while.

That’s it for now, add to the list if you are cool :sunglasses:

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While you’ve touched on the subject, melee assassins being unviable is not really a Garrosh problem, more of a HotS problem in general.

There just were too many Frost Mage mains on the development team, and it really shows.


I greatly disagree, I think the problem with melee assassins is mostly skill and lack of draft knowledge. Regards

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Garrosh is build to punish melee heroes. Nothing about him being too good in ARAM.

Sure I was able to throw someone 5 times in a raw while hiding in a bush but that is mostly just me taking advantage of what I have on the map and opponent not being aware of where I am.

Is this a complain thread about your Aram matches?

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It is as the title suggests, a balance idea for heroes of the storm. Any other question that isnt self-explanatory?

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You want to balance Heroes around a mode that isn’t meant to be serious or balanced. It’s a joke mode, it’s a casual mode, regardless what you try to claim. Hero duplicates, single lane, no healing at base, random Heroes. HotS’ characters were not planned for this. HotS is balanced around 3 lanes, having obj, heal at Base, camps (which some Aram maps don’t have).

And Leoric isn’t removed from Aram because he’s weak/needs buffs. Like how do you plan to buff him when he’s banned because the false feed reports were out of proportions?
What’s a buff to “we don’t want him to push-suicide on repeat”?

I wish your playerkind would focus more on getting better instead of dreaming about their assumed “balance”.


what about my playerkind D:
I think the mode stands only to benefit from mode specific balancing. More mode specific balancing anyway. There are already a couple aram only changes.

Only joke here is you mate bluntly assuming people are butthurt whenever they ask for balance because you think everyone is like you. It’s time to evolve mate

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But we don’t even have support for the main modes.

Aren’t you?

Zul’s E is interruptable, and it selfroots him. You complain about the hardest to use heal.

This is outright a complain. You’re sick/tired/etc. Does it matter if the Heroic or the Hero is overperforming or not? Nope, you want it to be most rare.

In reality, Garrosh has his hardest time in Aram, because in normal games, you can fight outside of lanes, where minions won’t block your Throw, but in Aram, you have a much harder time to find times when minions won’t be in your way.
There are also Melees who can care less about the throw and ones that even benefit from getting a lift into the enemy backline.

Crying about a lvl 20 talent, which needs to contest Heroic upgrades. Compares Valla with it to Hammer, as if Hammer would be some kind of force. Like Hammer is niche.

Zagara’s minions can be killed and they won’t focus Heroes all the time, so there’s a fair amount of counters.

Samuro doesn’t have too much self heal, others have way better and more. Samuro is just slippery, sounds like a player issue too.

And… what is with Leoric? You didn’t answer the question but rather went on personal attacks…


Have you played ARAM prime time EU on non weekends? Because what you’re describing is very low level play sorry to say

The main mode of this game is ARAM. Why? Because it’s the most played mode.

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I assume you have evidence for this? When looking at Heroes Profile, it shows QM as being the most popular. Granted, there are issues with citing HP as a source, so do you have a better one?

If you are going to be so silly as to use anecdotal evidence, be prepared to defend that as well. For example, I generally have anywhere from half a dozen to about 30 friends online through Bnet at any given time. The vast majority of them are playing SL or QM, and only a few play ARAM regularly. If needed, I can provide screen captures to back this up.


Will you try to attack me personally everytime I ask about Leoric and why do you think he needs Aram buffs? :thinking:

Source: Trust me bro.

The only issue with HP is that it does not register vs A.I, which is fair due to vs A.I stats being easily blown out of proportions, but that is a glaring hole if comparing popularity of game modes. It is possible that romping with bots is still more popular.

In regards to ARAM. It is in the name: All Random All Middle. If anything, it may need a few touches to make it more randomized. Maybe one player gets a touch faster cooldowns, another more durable, and so on and so forth.

It is a game mode that is everything goes and throws balance out the window.

OP if you want a really unbalanced game mode you should have been here/played when–what was it–that game mode where everyone could only pick their heroics and that was it on maps, arena was it? A lot of heroes were busted or extremely horrible as many either had extremely good kits out the gate or heavily relied on talents to shine.

Maps such as Blackheart’s Revenge and some others. The handful of PvP matches I played were on those, and I still want to track down and apologize to some of the players for how badly I disrespected them.

ARAM is the very worst mode to think of to balance heroes on. There are heroes that do need some tweaking–we are seeing that happen here or there thanks to the crew that remains–but again ARAM is the very last game mode to take stock of how good a hero is.

He has trash tier health. So even if it looks like he heals something to himself, it is not healing a lot.

Zagara is one of the biggest heroes so is prone to accumulating a lot of damage on her. The high damage is needed to compensate for this.

Nothing is balanced for ARAM. They even had to disable entire ultimate abilities because they broke the mode.

Leoric cannot show up in ARAM outside of mirror mode. Buffing or nerfing makes no difference as he is disabled due to broken mechanics. Why other heroes are not is another issue.

HotS is not balanced around ARAM.

Kills are worth less in ARAM anyway due to lower revive timer. In actual play, what the heroes are balanced around, it is a lot stronger and can even win games.

Just need to be careful not to be in range of the towers if he throws. It only gives value if it can secure a kill, otherwise it just has thrown an enemy front line hero into their backline, the ideal place for them to tear the backline apart.

Valla also explodes if any hero sneezes at her as she has trash tier health.

You just contradicted yourself homie

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How so? Balance has nothing to do with literally making a mode unplayable or having massive bugs.

Both Sgt Hammer’s Orbital BFG and Leoric were removed because they were literal instant win buttons due to their mechanics not being designed around shieldless cores of ARAM. All their team had to do is defend and there was nothing the opponent could do to stop them. In Sgt Hammer’s case they disabled Orbital BFG, but in Leoric case they had to disable Leoric due to it being his trait.

These were disabled because they were balanced and designed around regular play, not ARAM.

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