Hero keeps moving in one direction

Doesn’t happen regularly, but at least thrice now.
In the middle of the match, the game slightly freezes, but I will reconnect 2-5 seconds later.
Afterwards, it keeps making me move towards a certain direction. So far either north or west. Even when I am not pressing any key binds.
It’s annoying because its hard to aim, and also in order to move a certain direction I will need to keep holding the mouse.
Lost a couple ranked games because of this, very annoyed.

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You may simply be be taking control over during an already executed command to retreat back into the hall of storms, which was an intended change for the AI once it takes over a disconnected player. If this is a case, you may only be experiencing connection issues.

Or is it something entirely else, where the previous command is overwriting all user input (manual clicks) unless you hold the mouse button to force movement?