Healers are unnecessary in ARAM

You will still need a tank letting you autoattack, not every tank is just serving you as a punching bag.

As a stukov main I found out that putting the heal on me first and then make sure its being spread is the best option almost everytime .

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btw double healers in ARAM is EXTREMELY powerful.


Only beaten by tripple heal :wink:

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Triple heal can sometimes make (I would say more often than not) ‘no damage’. Triple heal + tank + 1 damage dealer. As long as the enemy team doesn’t run it down (the usual trying to finish asap, not looking for a long run - when ARAM often goes end game to begin with), I would say triple heal will likely lose.

I would even say triple heal team loses to double heal team (have better chance against 1 healer team). Triple heal strat is pretty basic. Out-sustain the 1 healer team, find the gap/mistake, kill 1 enemy, push the number advantage to raze structures. That gap, mistake is much less likely to happen against double heal team.

LoL, WAAAY back in the day, I remember a GM dodged a ranked draft because we wanted to quad healer and Illidan. Did end up getting to try it in two games and won them. So fun.

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had a 4 healer and 1 dps game today vs a regular team we won towards the end.

Tyrande, kara, Stukov, medic + junkrat. lol

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Such teams normally steamroll aram but if the opponents can stall long enough they may have a very easy game on their hands. Front towers break easily but it will be a while before they will dare to stand below the Fort.

Telling others you are healing them with ETC is like telling gaza citizens you are helping them being Hamas.

Only unconcerned abroad morons will support your decision.

Auriel is utterly OP in aram and willingly not taking it when there is nothing else to heal is simply beyond trolling.

As a level 722 Murky main, I agree that Murky is a lot better than people realize in ARAM. I’ve played 83 ARAM games with Murky and have a 68.7% win rate (57-26). On top of that, I almost always solo queue for ARAM and on rare occasions queue with 1 other friend, so my stats aren’t padded by taking in a 3-5 stack.

At least a handful of those losses were someone AFK/quitting/sitting in base all game because they were mad I drafted Murky. In fact, just this past week, someone sat in base all game because I picked Murky. Just in case anyone was wondering, in none of these instances did I take Murky in lieu of a healer or tank.

My true win rate (without the losses due to someone afk/quitting) is probably closer to 75%.


Assuming you got offered to play Murky so many times, the draft might not have been as generous to your opponents either. You don’t need to play Azmodan or Valla every match to win but there is an agreed upon number of heroes which no one likes playing with because four other people will have to carry dead weight for 15 min until you become useful.

I won’t hesitate to pick Illidan if our choices aren’t looking too bad but I’ll definitely reconsider if there is any indicatator of a multi-support match about to start. If you’re not a complete monkey there are some telltale signs to help you out.

You must be either cursed or play too much. With 3000 aram matches on record I have not played a single hero more than 30 times (approximately, don’t come at me with napkin math).


Nice to hear another first hand account of how good Murky can be ARAM. I see a pattern developing…competent players do well with him.

Just got out of a match where my team had two healers (Anduin, Brightwing), and their team had zero. We had the upper hand most of the match, but they still won through better strategy. Healers are def not a necessity.

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Another example of why I pick what I want over a healer:


Two of the DPSers on my team have tank-like damage, one was clearly feeding and the Chromie was AFKing quite a lot. I guarantee I would have had a miserable time if I picked Auriel instead of Junkrat. Chances are some of these players would have blamed me for their loss. Instead, it was an easy win.

In ARAM, if you roll an Azmo, Junkrat, Nazeebo, etc you are better off locking that instead of hoping your teammates are going to be decent. They should honestly make “No Healer ARAM” a thing because no one likes healing and the community tries to bully players into doing it.

I played an ARAM not too long ago where we picked 5 healers.

We won.

DPS are unnecessary in ARAM! Woo!


I don’t know why you’re still on this. If you personally are bad at healers and don’t want to play one, no one can force you. You do you, it matters even less in a silly mode like ARAM.

What makes you so bizarre is that just because you can’t carry, you somehow think others don’t want to play healers, and therefore you need a whole mode dedicated to your preferences. I hope your egomania is just contained to gaming, as I can only imagine how your real life relationships might be like.

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Doesn’t matter if you won with 5 healers, you guys still spent more time in the game and possibly bored the enemy team to death. It’s possible you could have went against a lot of comps that would give you a slow prolonged loss. Going 5 damage, no tank and no healer is more acceptable since everyone gets to have fun and you get punished for making mistakes. The healer teams just spam heals and stand in skillshots and hope they can win via attrition.

I beat a 5 healer comp within the last week. We had one healer like normal players. It was not even competitive. Teammate kept saying “man, they know how to have fun!” and “they had fun at least” while we pummeled them. If they didn’t even have the damage/comp to take a single tower off of us tower how much fun did they really have?

Healers, especially in ARAM, just can’t carry because you are relying on your teammates to be competent. I could put up some screenshots where I have nearly top damage AND healing with Malfurion tree build or all the kills with Kharazim but what’s the point of flexing about doing well on a healer? The point is I wouldn’t have been able to do that well without the team already being decent. I’ll play a healer in ARAM only if the other choices are unacceptable, like Illidan, Alarak or something I legit can’t play. It doesn’t take much skill to play any of the healers in ARAM except maybe Whitemane.

It went the normal length of time. I had top hero damage of anyone in the game.

As tank build Li Li.

It was definitely fun. :slight_smile:

You see, here is the strange thing about HotS, other video games, and life: different people find different things fun. Personally, I have never enjoyed playing ranged assassins, combo mages in particular. Outside of ARAM, I vastly prefer playing bruisers or tanks, healers being my third choice. Azmodan and Li-Ming just aren’t very interesting to me. When I had the choice between Azmo and Tyrael last night, it wasn’t even a hard choice, Tyrael is just too dang fun.

So as has been suggested by others, you do you, but get it through your head that changing the game to suit your prejudices is nothing but mulish self-centeredness.


You rely on your teammates to be competent no matter what you play. It’s a team game, healers aren’t special. But healers can carry in their own way.

Just because YOU feel you can’t carry or don’t find the role fun (and there’s nothing wrong with that), doesn’t mean other people can’t, or better yet, just practice or try something new they wouldn’t normally go for in ARAM.


Well, that makes two of us! Those two heroes (according to the Hots sub Reddit) are in the top five most popular heroes in QM, along with Abathur, Nazeebo and (grumble) Nova.

When I’m playing ranked I get more worried when everyone is showing, bruisers, healers or tanks, as it might fall on me to play a ranged assassin! I have a few mages and a couple of AA Assassins in my back pocket, but most of the time I’d prefer not to play that role in Ranked.


I played 5 matches in SL last night duo queuing: 2 bruiser, 2 tank, 1 healer. Thankfully I never had to pew pew.

Although, Anduin late game can be very pew pew, as the enemy Junkrat found out the hard way!