Happy/Angry/Sad Clouds Bugged?

There was some issues with the Mac clients from the Patch, that made the game unplayable, so it had to be rolled back.


Got the patch installed, still missing Golden Loot Goblin Mount.

Because the patch got rolled back and due to Mac users unable to play, so the patch will have to be reviewed probably on Monday. Before that, you will have your skins locked, so that one person using Mac for HotS is able to play.

For Skins i am missing Goliath D.va for sure. I had all original three colors. May be missing more but i haven’t noticed any. I remember the D.va skin as i paid real money for that one.

Also missing a bunch of mounts, unsure of which ones but my a lot of heroes loadout is now set to the basic horse.

I’m unable to use some of my mounts. I’ve noticed I cannot use ‘Sad Cloud’, ‘Angry Cloud’ anymore. I’ve also gained a mount called: 'Mount/Name/MountSpeederBikeVar3. This happened since the most recent patch. They can’t be re-purchased either.

Hello :slight_smile:

My angry cloud and diablo prime evil skins that i got in chests are locked , I haven’t had the time to go through everything else but there might be others. Please can i regain access to them .
Im on EU servers

I love my cloud and i miss it

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Can’t use dark fiery Uther horse. It no longer exists.

Also, can’t use dark Diablo 3 skin even though I have it. Says skin has not been earned.

MY destroyer BW skin cannot be equipped.
Diablo toxic skin.
Pajama skin for abathur.

my ghost speeder the pink one, for meka queen kerrigan is gone, happened right after an update too

That’s intended, we should never have gotten that to begin with. It’ll be added at a later time.


I have just downloaded a patch and the collection issues are fixed for now. I hope it stays that way unlike the last time.

Hello there
I stiil don’t have access to my HappyCloud mount

I am missing the Judgement Charger from the WoW event a couple of years back. That’s the only one I’m aware of right now.

My hogger voice lines are all locked i just want to maniacally laugh

HI my sad cloud and angry cloud are missing after an update.

Ive been away from the game for a long time and I cant remember all the mounts ive had since its alot you get with so many levels. I know for sure im missing the surfbord mounts i earned during a summer event on EU, but isnt that something you can look at the data?

Blue post 29 days ago, and I still cannot use mounts/skins that I’ve purchased… Should I go about requesting a refund on everything on my account??? Would rather not pay for something I cannot use.


I’m missing the Diablo nightmare prime evil skin still.

Any updates? Still missing all my clouds. Me favorit mount!