Happy/Angry/Sad Clouds Bugged?

I actually have a new mount a pink variant of the ghost speeder, that looks like a dva variant. Its cool and I’ll miss it when its gone :frowning:

I’m having the same issue

Nightmare Prime Evil Diablo

I think all the locked mounts and skins I found have already been mentioned. I hope when this get solved we get an announcement over the general forum, if it’s not too much to ask.

Yea, they have said in some other site that the bike shouldn’t be available yet, and they’ll add it to the store later.

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Banshee Raven Sylvanas

I had purchased Goliath D.Va and now it’s locked! Maybe I should look for each and every skin I have gotten or purchased (almost always I take screenshots or record videos when I purchase something or receive it via loot chest because I like to keep a record)
Here it is! It says I own the skin but I cannot use it because it shows the usual lock in the hero selection screen!

https :// photos.app.goo.gl /FxxcSGV5jPccyD8KA

I also had received the “Golden Nexus Charger” mount and now it’s gone! Completely vanished from the game! All I have left is the screenshot of the loot chest where I got it!

https:// photos.app.goo.gl /tdPecx1CLcr7sXQo9

And I’m pissed off because this is outrageous!


Jungle Raven Sylvanas gone, didn’t really check if some older skins are not present too since some of them i got in events or boxes like 3 years+ ago.

Theres a bugged pink speed bike mount in the files, clearly it got injected by mistake given the name it has which is mostly the path of the item; gonna miss it and this bug kinda sucks, but w.e. at least you guys are trying to fix it.

tengo el mismo problema con mis monturas y con los aspectos de mis heroes

Yep, it was confirmed on Reddit by Kinabrew: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/k5crlz/hot_pink_bike_now_in_my_collection/geegy40/

This is a bug. Don’t get attached to it for too long. Sorry guys. It will be available in the store at some point in the future.

I had the Wild Raven skin displaying when I first selected Sylvanas. Then I went to the skin selection menu with her, it appeared as locked, closed the menu, and it reverted to the default. Sadness.

Received Steel Sir Murkalot from chest, it says I have it unlocked in collection, but I can’t equip it.

For me its the Prime Evil Nightmare Diablo so far on the EU Region

Yes, after the latest patch, my Happy, Sad and Angry clouds are locked. Not sure why my (limited availability) reddish-pink Valentine cloud is still selectable. All my characters that had one of those 3 clouds as their default mount, had their default mount changed to the plain brown “Horse”.

Sad, my head and my attitude is no longer 'flying up amongst the clouds…"

One easy way to tell if a skin you had equipped has become temporarily lost to the bug is to open the character selection screen, open the loadout, go to the skin selection tab, and check if the character is now wearing the first default skin. If a skin you had equipped was temporarily lost to the bug, the system naturally defaults that character to the first default skin. You can easily click through all your characters and check via this method (though this method will not give you insights to other skins a particular character may have lost. Only if the chosen one you had equipped was lost).

Sorry if that’s more confusing then helpful… It helped me determine 2 of my characters had lost the skin I most preferred to have them equipped with.


Angry and Happy Clouds are unavailable or me as well.

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Lost my prime evil diablo skins, probably others too.

my happy cloud and angry cloud mounts are now missing all of a sudden both are locked

The only one that I have seen missing is my Blood Raven Sylvanas

Ones I got missing are:

  1. Goliath D.Va
  2. Sharkmouth Goliath D.VA
  3. Pro D.Va
  4. Elite Pro D.Va
  5. Platinum Malthael
  6. Timelost Grave Warden Malthael
  7. Grimson Grave Warden Malthael
  8. Angelic Grave Warden Malthael
  9. Toxic Prime Evil Diablo
  10. Cheerleader Kerrigan
  11. Hollow Unraveler Zeratul
  12. Ancient Unraveler Zeratul
  13. Steel Sir Murkalot
  14. Obsidian Sir Murkalot
  15. Scarlet Sir Murkalot

It looks like all tints from these skins that you own get locked. :confused:

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For me, the ones I’ve noticed so far are: Happy Cloud mount, 2017 Championship Banner mount + Golden version, Blood Raven and Jungle Raven Sylvanas skins, Unraveler Zeratul skin, Angelic Grave Warden Malthael skin, Competitive Pro D.Va skin, Cheerleader Kerrigan skin