I hate to say it one of my main Heroes I play I’m calling for a nerf, Yes it’s easily countered but most of the time you don’t see it until the callout happens about a lost fort. Hammer will ONLY backdoor now and continue to throw the game just to focus on backdooring due to her damn range, reports aren’t doing anything anymore there’ s more and more of them appearing and now even the good players of her is getting bad names. (Not that anyone who responds will give a crap) I’m not entirely sure when this started happening who how even.
It’s gotta stop, so many games ruined because of it soo many game throwers just cause they wanna focus on the forts/keeps and not help with objectives. Something needs to be address about her kit.
Only thing that needs to be changed is the Lvl 7 talent Pulse Detonation Core. Why take it over movement speed while in siege or range increase after some time? Q build just sucks outside of cheese gameplay.
Yeah, I’m supposed to do something if I’m main healer… Yeah I’m so powerful. I play mostly healer and hardly anything else. I alert my team to her and they do nothing to stop her. So don’t say that I’m doing anything, and that part you quoted I did say people NEVER see it until the callout happens.
as i always say to the guys, the objetive of the game is winning, not taking the temples, trib, or all others.
all that stuff are a way of winning the game, its not the only way to win, except for the towers of doom.
most people complain about not taking a temple in sky temple instead of cleaning the entire bottom fort and towers, those camps at the bottom are way better than a temple at start.
If you’re against Hammer, you should expect her to possibly push hard early on and have allies cover each fort.
Still, she’s a hero you can’t really engage when she is defended and in siege. She’s not fun to play against.
And she doesn’t have any real options. She isn’t fun to play as.
I think she should be reworked so siege mode is a temporary transformation tied to her trait. A somewhat low cooldown, temporary buff. It’d be a bit like Alex’s Dragon Form or Ragnaros Molten Core, something to make enemies wary of.
Then design her with talents that enhance her gameplay elsewhere so she will be more fun to play as, and people won’t have to feel like you have hard counter her to stand a chance.
Former Hammer off-mainer (I played her a lot, but not enough to consider her my main) here.
My biggest issue with Hammer right now is how limited she is in playstyle and how dependent she is on her teammates. She’s very easy to drive away or kill if her teammates are unable or unwilling to protect her, but she feels almost impossible to uproot, let alone kill, if her teammates are competent and playing around her. She’s just very frustrating to play against, and in my opinion she is not fun to play as or with.
I think she needs a rework to reevaluate her role, and I think they should go back to the roots of what SC Siege Tanks really are: fragile mobile artillery who rely on their range to hold enemies off.
In this vein I think a couple things need to happen with Hammer.
Siege Mode and Tank Mode need to have separate roles. Tank Mode should provide high single-target DPS. Siege Mode should provide punishing bursts of damage in a large AoE, but produce relatively low single-target DPS.
Siege Mode basic attacks need a minimum range, preventing her from directly attacking enemies right next to herself, much like SC2 Siege Tanks. If you get up in her face, she should have to move.
Siege Mode needs more range, either baseline or optionally through talents. She should want to keep the enemy as far away as possible due to an inability to deal with most enemies up front as well as peel for her teammates. She should cover for her teammates, not vice versa.
Concussive Blast needs to have its power normalized. It’s nearly useless in Tank Mode but incredibly good in Siege Mode, especially with Entrenched. Take some of her self-peel in Siege Mode out.
Hammer needs to be less durable up-front. Neosteel Plating needs to be removed or be talent gated. Instead, she should gain the ability to regenerate health out of combat, sort of like old First Aid but with the stipulation that attacking or taking damage halts the healing. If she gets away and repairs, she can rejoin the fight more readily, but she’s easier to burst down in the first place.
Play stukov.
Keep sleepdarting with ana and keep your dosis up
Spam totems + w with reghar
Play stukov!! She cant go out off siege mode with a silence under her. Only at 7 when she picks movespeed but by then you can pick talents she will truely hate
Alex can poke her with flame buffet
Tyrande spam E
Li li can out substain her
Brightwing can spam Q
Kharazim can out substain her in 2 go’s
Why do people who have no idea how to play with or against Hammer constantly want to ruin her? She is fine; she already lost her niche of extreme range to all the burst mages that now outrange her. She lost her ability to put the game on a timer when BFG lost its structure damage. She has been nerfed over and over and yet Hammer mains adapt and overcome every time and her winrate goes up, and people who are unwilling or unable to comprehend any strategy but ‘fightfightfight’ want her destroyed or made into just another generic easily-ganked ranged assassin so they don’t have to learn any new skills. Stop it. get better instead; here’s a mini-guide i wrote:
Hammer needs a rework. Her biggest problem is that she is forced to be a sitting duck the whole game, which makes her either free kill or unstoppable monster. When she is a surprise last pick she can steamroll mid all the way to enemy core, but in this case her teammates feel like they are pointless and can go afk, because se will win the game alone. On the other hand, if enemies have counters it is nearly impossible to keep her alive.
I think devs completely misunderstood her design in her last rework. Just look at the talents how many have “while in Siege mode” in the description. Tank mode is pathetic now and you don’t want to use it at all.
I think Hammer should be AA hero designed around Tank and Siege modes, each one should be great in some situations and bad in others and you should hav to chose the right one depends on current situation. Siege mode all the time is just stupid.
Her current talent tree is really bad. She has one viable build, and some other things like mine build which will never ever be viable!
I completely disagree with you. She is not forced to be a sitting duck unless you are a BAD Hammer player, nor is she anything even remotely close to unstoppable or unbeatable under nearly any circumstances. The problem is most people - as i outlined in my guide - have no clue how to play her or play with/against her. You need to know when to reposition, when to be aggressive and when to back off (and when not to).
Changing her the way you propose would make her a worse Raynor. Siege Mode is the core of her gameplay - thats intentional and what makes her a unique hero. As far as her talents, i kinda agree with you except on one point - she has TWO builds. The standard Build: Lev 1. AA or Maelstrom, Lev 4. Regenerative Biosteel, Lev 7. Hover Siege (Grad is situational), Lev 10. BFG (Napalm is, again, situational), Lev 13 Hyper-Cooling Engines (never, ever take anything else at this level. This is where she gets her mobility back) and Giant Killer and either Orbital or Ultra Capacitors at 16 and 20, respectively.
Yeah, her talent diversity could be better. But overall, her playstyle is unique and needs to stay that way; if anything, i’d ‘rework’ her via talent options. Dump Ambush at level 1 for a talent that gives her a true ‘Tank’ capability, like armor that she gets any time she hits an enemy with an AA.
Nerf was a bit of a wrong word to use, but I was mad and annoyed by the fact of it. But of late that tactic is more common now in QP, I’m not much of a comp player and no intend to return to comp, all I’m trying to say that that tactic needs to be address. I know she can be countered but the fact that no one will roam to stop her from doing that, like nobody tries to go Abby hunting anymore, just focus on getting kills and not listen anymore. Toxic to say the least even (I hate to say it) Overwatch has “better” teamwork with killing the weaker characters.
Leave any hero uncountered and you’re going to have a problem. No counters to an Illidan? Problem. No counters to a cho’gall? Problem. No counters for a Kel? Problem. But when you have no counters to a Hammer, the consequences are far more dire than they are for any other hero in the game.
You are never more screwed in any kind of situation than you are when you have no counters to the enemy Hammer. It is the most helpless feeling in the world to see someone pound your forts away out of their tower firing distance knowing you can do nothing.
Having an enemy Cho’gall go on a rampage is infuriating and spiritbreaking but I’d gladly take that any day over a Hammer going on a rampage because atleast with Cho’gall you can do some kind of damage to him even if it’s temporary. If the enemy hammer is uncountered you can do nothing but sit in your core as all your buildings fade away.
Would I nerf hammer? Yes but only in one way. Her unstoppable at 4 has to go. Either that or it gets moved to 16/20 but definitely not on 4 and not on as short of a cooldown as it currently is.
Force your teams hand by playing a Li Li or an uther
Even battle healers like Kharazim and Rhegar can dive on her to pressure her enough and most DPS will see the window open if their healer is jumping in.
And if you can’t get close with any of the three mentioned heroes then maybe you should ocnsider the enemy is actually protecting hammer well enough that your better served by just bearing her damage and powering htrough them, she is just good sustain, mage burst other targets and boom problems olved.