Hammer need a big nerf and very fast, too long now

Hammer is what i call a very bad design hero, you make a monster because you can’t balance him very well.

Her power was to attack from long range, can destroy fort, you can’t ignore her.

The weakness of those hero is dive, or aoe, when she is in siege mode, the punishment should be to get nearly one shot if caught like this.

But now Hammer Don’t have any weakness, and this is the first error done by the devs.

Siege mod, let’s take yrel, yrel see Hammer she jump on him (engage), yrell is push back immediately, skill cancel, Hammer remain safe, yrel lost 30 % HP for sure while doing Nothing at all.

Hammer can still run away easy with the reactor, now yrell Don’t have any more engage and can just wait, but the same will happen, yrell can’t do anything at all.

Take ETC, dive Hammer, etc is push back, Nothing happen, dive Don’t work anymore on Hammer at all.

Take some aoe character who can damage Hammer, Hammer can get 50 armor while siege mod, and so will be healed back by the team who babysit her, again you can’t do anything at all.

Pyroblast Hammer 50% armor, do Nothing at all.

Hammer is a big problem with the weakness not longer working, Something need to be done, remove armor at last, Hammer should get one shot if caugh, i still Don’t like this hero, i think this is an error to let a hero like this in heroes of the storm.


I never knew a happier forum-eer like you would ever make a salt-post :cry:


its Truth man, Hammer need weakness :sob:

He Don’t have any now :sob:


Though yes all of this is true :pray:

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i play him sometimes :sob:

And sometimes no one can even scratch you, i feel so bad for the other team, someone dive you, you push him away, someone try come to you, slowed by mine, someone try land Something on you, 50% armor, i am Healing and i go back, this is realy crazy :sob:

They should look at this hero i think, Something need to be done :sob:


Long range spells, dive as a group, or stagger engagements to put the knockback on CD.

Any damage is good damage, do not underestimate mïnute poke damage when the healer has to waste mana on her.

Remember that if you’re hitting her and she’s not hitting you, that makes her look dumb. Vice versa, if you’re standing in her range and she gets free damage off, you look dumb. Don’t be dumb and continue standing there.

Go in for her with confidence, the best way to counter a seige tank in SC is realize a poorly placed one is actually fragile as hell.


still i Don’t think he need so much kit around to counter all his weakness, armor need to be gone, and like you said that would punish him a lot to get full hit.

I would like to see more unstopable thing add to some hero, like yrel jump, she need it.

Yrell cast all her skill (except u use the trait), but still you can still be cancel :frowning:

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That’s all well and good but at the same time she’s a sustained damage dealer while in seige mode and a bad raynor everywhere else. If she was just a helpless ranged blob that rotates slowly, can plink towers when no one is looking, not have any way of stopping the first instance of burst damage from keeping her out of the fight until she was full HP again and slowly coming from spawn then you’d do far better with just raynor.

Previously the only reasons you ever played hammer was that she was a decent ranged damage dealer against slow methodical comps while also acting as a better raynor because previously rayman was bad and ahe was rocking his range and bite out of seige mode, however after the rework amost all of her power revolves around how much value she gets out of seige mode.

So the plan should be simple, to punish it.

If hammer never feels safe seige unless it’s to hit a a tower while your entire team is fighting across the map, congratulations you made the enemy team have a (ironically) bad pushing specialist. If the hammer was literally any other specialist, they would take that entire fort in a heartbeat, azmo using demons to soak tower shots to keep the minion wave, gazlowe turrets and waveclear, syl being syl, there’s a ton of value in simply keeping the hammer in one spot because as a slow rotator, she can’t get to teamfights that you could win across the map and get much more value out of her just plinking at a tower. Granted you should have a mage clear and possibly harass her to minimize damage after the fight (or just push with the team) but the point is that a lot of hammers power is actually in teamfighting, not in seiging.

Long story short because I’m still on a phone and it is killing me that I can’t review my paragraphs easily, there are a lot of counterplay strategies to hammer besides run at her. Using null talents or using tank abilities to lower her damage or using a support to lower her damage with something like pacify or bringing her forward with stitches or maiev also works. Space out spells to abuse the lo g cooldown of neoplating, and so on.

The best way to counter something is to just play it and let the playerbase teach you counters.

She doesn’t need a nerf, se needs a rework. The problem is now she must spend all the time in Siege mode, which was introduced in her previous rework in November 2017. 10 her talents only work in siege mode, her abilities (especially W and Q) are viable only in siege mode. However, in siege mode she is a sitting duck. Because of that, she must be strong, but it also makes her annoying. Now there are only two situation: She is a free kill (if you have counters) or an unstoppable monster (if you don’t have them), nothing in between.

Personally I would like to see siege mode to be changed so it has limited duration. Like 10 seconds on 20 CD (of course with other changes would be necessary).


you are 100% right, either you can counter him, either not and you are doomed, and its a big problem, i hope they do Something.

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Remove hammer from brawl aram pls

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I want old glass artillery Hammer back. 18.3 range and 400 DPS, but about as vulnerable to divers as cardboard is to a plasma cutter.


Hammer can be very oppressive against unorganized comps but no where near OP. Raynor and Zul’jin offer a lot more in terms of being a consistent ranged damage dealer.
I understand what you’re saying with bad design but really it just makes her a pub stomping hero. And even then, just as oppressive as she can be there are plenty of matchups where it’s hard to find any use for yourself in a teamfight because the enemy has long ranged damage like Nova or Chromie or extreme mobility and cc and fold in on you before you can blink.
She offers a lot of unique approaches to teamfighting that you don’t get in the standard AA hero pack. She’s a lot more than just sieging up and right clicking, lately I don’t even bother with hover or graduating range because her spider mine talents are pretty rad.
Both her knockback and her armor abilities are pretty essential for keeping her alive in the early game. Until you get the option to take thruster cooldown reduction her mobility is god awful and it’s very easy for the enemy team to poke or even collapse on you even if you siege in hard to reach areas. You make it sound like those make her impossible to kill but I’ve been bursted down through the both of them plenty of times.

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Ever since those Chromie nerfs Hammer has been basically uncountered.

Chromie was basically the only one who could hurt hammer our of her range.

But people complained about Chromie so they nerfed her and then people complained about Hammer.

As many have said before this game should be balanced around a draft mode and not QM or brawl.

With this in mind Hammer should be considered under powered by the community, however people complain for nerfs based on QM matches.

Chromie still counters Hammer until the rework this patch so her Q hits minions and her W is less damage on 1 spot.

We shall see what the future hols i guess


Hammer junkrat and hanzo avoid nerfs so much i stopped caring.

I can understand your grievances with Hammer and Hanzo…but Junkrat?

Like…really…Junkrat is a problem to you? Sure his Q spam is annoying but…I’d rather see Raynor’s ridiculous easy to deliver damage nerfed.

Junkrat is an uninteractive hero, chromie medivh and samuro got changed or nerfed for reasons because of it so i see no issue in having him get the same treatement with hammer and abathur.

I mean, I hate that Kerrigan is in the gutter right now, but that doesn’t mean I want to see Zeratul nerfed unless he actually needs it…personally I just think many melee assassin mains have switched to him because the other melee assassin options are not great anymore, and this is boosting his pickrate/winrate to astronomical levels. So why the hate for Junk?

Samuro’s nerfs didn’t make him less interactive, they nerfed his damage…because for some reason ranged assassins like Raynor and Orphea can do ridiculous damage but melee assassins are supposed to be pseudo-supports or something. To be honest I don’t even know why they nerfed Sammy. Maximus said it was because Sam was dominating at high ranks, but I’ve never seen it and his winrate/pickrate was acceptable at the time before the nerf. Then again Maximus seems to be out for blood against melee assassins at random.

Chromie was nerfed because of QM whine and while I do agree she needed some minor changes, she didn’t need what they did to her then.

Medivh I don’t even remember, but I do know that Medivh is one of the few heroes that alot of people, even masters seem to have a hard time gauging whether to trust his winrate/pickrate or not.

1, Take block talents, 2, get her to blow her knockback, 3, then coordinate a burst damage strike intermixed with some lockdown CC.
Don’t just take popular talents choices, build for your opposition. If theres a Yrel on your side, slow charge the jump, then insta jump when she knocks you back, with follow-up from team-mates, hammer is done. If you don’t have any of this, you’re in QM, in which case, tough beans. There is a lot of counter-play available, you just have to get out of your rut. Adaptation is key to winning skirmishes.

When Hammer became He from She?