Hall of Builds: šŸ›

no, Iā€™m just saying that I think your build would work better with Polar Vortext, but I guess it depends over how long the fight lasts most of the time.

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Ow you meant stupid as in broken.
I like cooling because it greatly reduces the CD of her basic abilities, great for the poke war before the teamfight really starts. And with some luck I can trow out 2 Wā€™s in the same teamfight in a rapid succession

Iā€™m kinda an Artanis one trick and have decent success with him (Diamond, master and my best was low gm)


And still have a goodwinrate with the old standard: T2331213

My healer got a pretty good winrate too (Rehgar)

Usually shield build and I like blood and thunder especially at lower level since often the cleansed player just barely react then get caught again, and people focus and cc better at higher level. Wolf build I feel like itā€™s not that bad vs high hp heroes (16 we got the % dmg). Totem build (with speed reduction at 7) seem pretty good when ennemy team donā€™t have that many cc and have a lot of AA.

Fenix for me is alway T3131113

Iā€™m bad at tanking and the only one Iā€™m half decent is Arthas:

T3231124 (or improved ghouls if ennemy donā€™t have much spell power)

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Sorry, I actually didnā€™t read any comments in this thread before mine :c

Iā€™ve been doing some Meixperiments since PTR, these arenā€™t real-time tank builds for her but the talents work alright together.

Though donā€™t take my word for it, Iā€™m never too close to what becomes the most used builds for any hero:

  1. Late game selfsustain [T3232314,Mei]
    Kinda become like an Arthas with 13/16 all abilities triger lvl 13 talent and it makes her selfsustain lots in the middle of crowds. Love the build for holding beacons and long fights. lots of body blocking when both 14s CDs. Watch out for Anas.

  2. Semi-sololane/offtank [T2112113,Mei]
    She clears about as fast as Arthas or faster? Not sure, but itā€™s alright for an offtank.


How do you feel about PoA?
Is it strong enough in PvP to be worth picking or is AO still just too good for that PvE damage?

I think itā€™s a bit of a gamble/win more talent most of the time. In QM, it can be great, and in SL maybe in some maps like Braxxis or Dragon if your ennemy is melee and forced to take hits or lose point. Other than that I think the ennemy solo will try to not get hit as much as possible if heā€™s smart.

I see that the talent was popular at release but Amateur seem to be back at #1 popularity with higher winrate.

I think a solo should have at least decent waveclear and without amateur itā€™s a bit of hard. There are so many situation where you try to clear fast and then help team for obj but it take forever with non-amateur talent. You can get camps, good for some obj, good for destroying ennemies building fast. To me itā€™s just too useful.

I wonder if blizzard will consider about giving Amateur baseline, maybe a nerfed version or something. After all, Johanna had some W PvE bonus dmg talent at 1 long time ago and now itā€™s baseline.

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Knight Takes Pawn was overwhelmingly better than the other options in most games.
And I kind of miss it because stunning the minions was pretty cute.

Sheā€™s at something like ~1.84 APS with Creed, and it takes 10 autos (5s/autoā€“50s cooldown) to get a RoV charge. Meanwhile, time is also ticking down, and you should hopefully have some kind of external attack speed modifier. Weā€™ll be conservative and say you get 3 autos in 2 seconds due to movement and ability usage. Thatā€™s already 17 seconds off of the charge cooldown in 2 seconds worth of autos. In 6 seconds, with no Stims, youā€™ll realistically get a charge back if you donā€™t misplay.

I play heavily with stims elsewhere on my teams, so itā€™s a talent that can potentially get a lot of value, especially when peeling for my back line. I shouldnā€™t generally need to do that, but the safer my healer is, the safer I am. It generally burns a lot of resources and effort to hit the back line and fail, and typically leaves people in bad positions. At least 2 charges isnā€™t that rare, and is a tremendous power potential.

I think my favorite thing about the talent is its lack of conditions. Unlike most talents of its caliber, it doesnā€™t require you to hit heroes, so you can get your charges back in circumstances where it would be risky just to try and hit one to milk it. I rarely pick it, sure, but itā€™s incredibly effective where I find it applicable. Iā€™d say itā€™s underrated, since people think itā€™s unusable, which just isnā€™t the case; itā€™s just very niche.

Can ana block meis iceblock healing?

Well Meiā€™s Iceblock gives unstoppable. Unless things have changed, Unstoppable has no effect on healing reductions and armor debuffs. Mei will have the shield, but no healing for Anaā€™s grenade time.
Although I was focusing on other added selfsustains and it further makes the build/Mei vulnerable to Anaā€™s healing reduction.

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All right folks, hit me with your best D.va builds! @Sami?! @lucifer?!

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Yup, not an usual build but itā€™s the one that I have more success with. And itā€™s a lot of fun as well.

Iā€™m also fully aware that Iā€™m giving up on Holy Ground and it hurts me doing it. Sometimes I pick it when thereā€™s the opportunity for a boss steal or is simply needed.

Iā€™m still fiddling with the best Builds but for the Start I can suggest the two following Builds:

[T1111233,DVa] Solo laner Build
[T1222122,DVa] Bruiser Build for Teamfights


Thereā€™s an invite feature, use it.

Favorite build: [T3330124,DVa], if I can of course keep DM up and running without a lot of interruptions involved.

Otherwise, this is my go to [T1322214,DVa]

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Tyrael smite build (either ultimate) is super strong when heā€™s the offlaner.

Here are my builds for various heroes...


Hey man, this dude wants to have a chat with you.

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Ech :smiley:

Thanks for the builds. Thought about the E-Shield at 16?

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I think the nerf to her ES talent from 15 to 30 is over the top that you would get similar results from just simply going for Q instead which grants her damage and shielding.

ES only niche in this regard is that it deletes one instance of damage, but so its usefulness depends on how much damage that caused the overkill, also gives a larger pool of escaping with Q (which that same talent on 16 does that from pressing Q to get 10% max HP).

Just go Q on 16, I promise you would use it more frequently and you will get more value frequently out of your Q 10% HP during combat if you are using it for peeling purposes.

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Hogger builds:

  • AA [T3112334,Hogger]
  • W [T1321321,Hogger]
  • E [T2231113,Hogger]