I love the aesthetic of rain of fire but I find that it doesn’t really do much damage IF and when it actually hits.
What if the level 20 talent summoned infernals?
For every meteor that lands summon an infernal that deals fire aoe damage around it.
Seems fitting of the hero but not sure if it seems like a good idea.
I just find ,myself included, that no one picks up this ULT
Rain of Vengeance you mean (or, Rain of RNG).
It needs a complete rework to really be competitive with Horrify.
For example, make it deal reliable damage. An AoE heroic that can potentially deal 0 damage just because of bad luck, is total turd.
Which is why I made the suggestion that they spawned infernals, which is a talent rework.
That way when they miss, or hit, there’s still substance to them.
It also still reflects proper lore as well if I’m not
Gul’dan is a Destruction Warlock and not a Demonology Warlock. He can’t summon infernals.
Horrify is superior if you have a good team that can pounce on specific targets. In PvP, fear displacement is just so strong
Horrify is superior if you have a good team that can pounce on specific targets.
It’s just superior in general. There’s no legitimate reason to ever take Rain.
Even in Aram it’s really lackluster as during some casts you barely deal any damage at all.
At least he doesn’t have to self root for 7 seconds anymore during it tho.
That made it even worse.
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Ah, ty for the info, unfortunate
Ironically one way to make RoF better is if you reduce its AoE. Let’s say you drop it to 60% of its current AoE. That effectively increases the chance of hits by 5 times. Another measure is through doubling the AoE of each meteor which would make dodging them harder in general and also increases the chances of landing a hit by 4 times.
The problem remains that its still random, its competing against a very reliable ulti. Even if its going to remain the weaker of the 2, its reliability need to be increased.
I would instead make each meteor always spawn above a hero when a hero is within range (if none are, random can be fine). This forces the hero to move away or take damage. Which gives this a semi-zoning potential.
Since its only semi-zoning, they could also apply an additional bonus to it: each hit reduces the cooldown for the next cast. Which means that the enemy should be dodging the meteors even if they can survive it to get an increased cooldown for guldan. But this means the reduction should be significant.
As the rain lasts 7 seconds, and has a 70 second cooldown. If a meteor would spawn each 0.5s. Making each meteor cause a 5 second cooldown would potentialy allow an instant reset. Which is a thing you dont want. But if half of them are dodged, its a 35s cooldown. You could even consider a meteor that hits 2 people as double the CDR.
It then becomes an ulti on which the enemy can cause extra long cooldowns though. But at least the guldan can force a disruptive moment. This can have a significant combat value. And can synergize well with stuns and roots.
Wrong, Destro locks big DPS cooldown is summon infernal, and their artifact weapon could summon three.
I’m talking about Gul’dan, not the class. He’s a Warcraft Warlock and not a WoW player character. Gul’dan never focused on Demonology, in Warlock lore Demonology is something that you train in, not something that instantly becomes available to you based on the fact you are a Warlock. Similar in the sense that only demonology Warlocks in WoW can summon higher-end demons, such as the Infernal or Doomguard or whatever it is now. Even Gul’dan said: “A true warlock doesn’t need to summon infernal horrors, when they are the infernal horror.”
Miss-truction might need something.
But two things:
- Blizz try to add as few Summons as possible (for visual clarity and stuff)
- Think of the ability as a sieging tool and it now only half bad.
(Best buff to lvl 20 RoD is to decrease it’s cd. RNG is not a problem if you can try multiple times.)
Double meteor AoE at 20?
I just want everyone to also remember, it used to be channeled… and even that change didn’t put it on par.
Since we don’t need Guldylock to have a powerful clearing AoE as early as 10 given the bulk of his kit is high impact AoE, I think it’s crucial we attempt to lowball changes; too drastic a movement might put it into an unhealthy place. Fire and forget damage is slept on hard but RoV can do a lot to seize up on escapes.
For everyone’s call that it’s RNG reliant, I’ve never seen that it’s that ineffectual; CC is just at such a premium in this game.
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Rain of destruction really isn’t that bad and does a decent amount of damage. On other heroes i could see it being the Most picked talent. On guldan horrify can help your team win fights 4v5/down a talent tier. At equal levels a decent guldan with horrify is almost a guaranteed win. Horrify op
Well, it’s better than it used to be. Since Gul Dan used to be rooted, channeling until the ability was over.
But yeah, it still isn’t good. Especially compared to the plays you can make with Horrify.
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It has very high potential at the cost of being uncontrollable. If they make it more consistent, they’d have to nerf its maximum potential damage output.
I think there’s a lot of confirmation bias that goes on with RoF - people only remember the times when it did nothing, and conveniently forget all the times they did a ton of damage and/or got kills with it.
Always wanted some Warlock hero in HoTS with Infernal summon or other demons 
Drain life is an Affliction Spell btw
but but but it’s the BEST core destroyer in the game and the main goal is to destroy the enemy core so it’s gotta be the best ultimate in the game! :3
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Once again, I repeat: I’m talking about Gul’dan, not the WoW class and the specializations. HotS Gul’dan is a Warcraft Warlock and not a WoW player character. In WoW: Legion Gul’dan killed Varian using Drain Life, so yes, he learned Affliction and Destruction, but he never learned Demonology. Stop messing around a lore character with a specialization.