Hi, since a lot of people like this threads, I thought in make one but I actually will offer something to the one who figures out the answer. The rules are simple, you must post: which team won, who was the MVP and the length of the game.
The first one in hit on the nail (or the one who get closer to the result) will be the winner! And what is the prize? Well, is a HotS related pixel art drawing! You can request things like:
An emoji:

Something in carbot animation style:

And of course an original idea:

However, I’m not the best artist so please don’t ask me for very flashy stuff. Imagine that you are requesting an in game spray.
Now, this are the teams:
Blue team. |
Decard Cain. |
Nazeebro. |
Your highlord Alarak. |
T.L.V. |
Zul’jin. |
Red team |
Ragnaros. |
Greymane. |
Kharazim. |
The Butcher. |
Mamma Zagara. |
The map: Braxis Holdout.
Mode: QM.
That’s all the info! I wish you the best luck!
Edit: Ups, I forgot, the deadline is Tuesday 23 at 12: pm (CDT), so ask your acquaintances to vote to increase your chances of asking for the drawing you want!
The result!

The replay:
Congratulations to Minky for believe in the vikings! Marrossi was close too, but he could have more faith in the boys.
Thank you to all for participate and pay atention to the forums in the next month, because I shall do another edition of “Guess the winner to win a special prize!”, until then, see ya!
My vote is for Red, Zag MVP, 22-24 minutes.
If I win, I’d like a Genji with a gun spray please.
The trick is that you would think its the other team without lost vikings won but the surprise is that Lost Vikings were part of the winning team.
Therefore its pretty obvious that the winner is Alarak because he’s always a winner.
tl;dr Blue
also I give it a 20 minutes.
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It finally caught on, yeah.
T.L.V. is a bit of a problem for that team on Braxis, on the other hand they have great zoning from Deckard and Nazeebo against a more melee oriented team. Alark, Zul´jin and Naz provide high damage too.
I go for Blue, given they played their cards right, kept the enemy zoned out and wiped them. I suspect MVP would be Zul´jin, even though Alarak or Naz might also qualify. Game length probably within regular time, say 16 min.
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tricky one! butcher vs TLV will definitely make you think “ok so TLV fed him stacks and he carried” but if TLV was smart then butcher won’t get fed at all. Red team have 0 ranged heroes only zagara can do that and greymane in human form but that’s weak attacks anyway his main dmg coming from when he transform.
Red team full melee vs nazeebo deckard zul’jin alarak these 4 would rock hard on them my vote is on Blue team won the game. zul’jin stacks hard on them melee team / nazeebo zombie wall them / deckard root them for even easier zombie wall and alarak grabs their booties and silence TLV idk idc about that hero so they can just be ignored 
uhm Braxis usually most of the time never go past 20mins some times lower depends. i would say 20 and below? and MVP is oh well i’ll say vikings cause why not?
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Just a reminder, you need post who got the MVP and the length of the game.
Blue team
The highlord got mvp
16 min
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Red, Ragnaros, 16 minutes.
Zerg wave? What zerg wave? I did’t see any zerg wave.
Ragnaros can do nasty things to the objective on that map.
Gunna go with Blue team winning. MVP: Rag Siege damage. Time: 20:03. I’m like… super smart!
Kharazim and Butch team up between the two of them wipe everyone. Rag and Zag clear both lanes so efficiently. Naz can’t get to 175 on 2-lane map. Vikings become food when they split and try to get clever on the beacons.
Red team wins:
14 min game (by 2nd zerg wave)
Rag MVP for exp, while Butch has most kills.
Obviously, the team with less potatoes, as always… What have I won!?
18:20 min game
Blue Team wins
Zul’jin MVP
Despite Butcher vs. TLV, Butcher didnt stack.
Draw yourself irl as if you were a Nexus Hero
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Blue Team Won, TLV MVP, 23 mins.
Red team with Zag MVP and around 16-18min long if I win I would like some lucio art im not sure what style but I don’t think I will win so it wont matter
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Ok, im going for the opposite extreme:
Red team won
Butcher mvp
8:45 minutes
Although, if that realy was the case, this entire thread would probably have been caused by salt which i dont think is the case. Probably the round was 10x more interesting.
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Thanks for ading the deadline, will be interesting to see who got closest then.
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Blue team won.
Rag MVP.
25 minutes.
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the unexpected hero to be MVP got MVP and carried ya’ll ignoring vikings! secretly vikings carried so hard
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