Greymane is in a sad place

Greymane is my favorite hero. I remember the days in HGC with a hypercarry greymane backed by uther divine shield and grey either solo laning and taking camps or leading the charge and diving into a backline and having a strong presence in the game.

Now, with all new heroes having self sustain, cc, and movement speed, Greymane feels very outclassed and it seems like he is now a dinosaur and its very hard to find a situation where I would prefer Greymane over another hero.

I am not necessarily advocating giving Greymane self-sustain or major buffs or something else, but I’m not sure where he fits anymore and it makes me sad to think that in any given situation when I pick Greymane there is always both a better hero in his slot and the skill cap to play him well is overshadowed by the value and ease from picking other heroes.


Greymane is still common in high elo (?). Out of all the marksmen he’s the best at 1 v 1 all ins. He does hurt from lack of sustain but true 1 v 1s that end in one encounter he’d beat the other marksmen

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He can fit anywhere, he’s very well rounded and can do everything pretty well. Kill heroes, take camps, waveclear, etc.

Well he is a generalist, but he’s not that bad of a generalist. He’s still one of the best hypercarry marksman.

GM is still heaps strong. In a co-ordinated team, enemy heroes get bursted so fast when I’m GM.

I mean i get it. If hes not being picked in competitive pro games thats probably sad. I for one don’t particularly care about pro games. In SL hes still very good.

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GM is one of the best heroes. He is SUPER strong. Hes OP.

Greymane suffers from being half-melee assassin and trying to play safe and taking nothing but human form talents makes him play like a funky Valla.
Melee assassins are generally a lot better than what people take them for, the issue is they don’t exactly mesh well into QM environments and they’re not for everyone to play.

I recommend getting really good with Bruisers to anyone before they want to try melee assassins since sometimes they bring almost as much damage to the table but are twice as easy and safe to play in nearly every scenario.

As a melee assassin you need to recognize opportunity and know when you’ll be able to get a pick before the enemy team can respond to you. A good greymane is a backline’s terror and he has plenty of poke capability to give frontliners a tough time.

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CCL uses him iirc :thinking:

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If thou can’t win with the Greymane it’s probably because thou drafted thyself with middle aged time fairy tale characters(Diablo/warcraft). Mage warlocks people who live in a time of castle can’t win. Thy Greymane needs to draft with more sci fi characters to win like Starcraft or overwatch. :wink:

He was also mostly picked together with tyreal with sanc ult in hgc as i remember

But calling 2020 greymane for bad then you properly dont play him that well

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Ye thats why i said IF. I hadn’t seen any games with him but also don’t really watch it. Was giving op benefit of doubt.

Greymane bad? HAH

Sure, Greymane doesn’t have sustain - But a number of the sustain-less heroes that were then given sustain had to be subsequently buff - See Tracer (Was buffed after rework to borderline OP status, had to be nerfed), Gazlowe (Was garbage after rework and got buffed to OP status).

Greymane does need sustain - He has the second highest HP out of ranged assassins (Only Tychus has more), armor baseline in Worgen Form (Putting him at the survivability lvl of most melee), extreme AA damage (Among the highest in the game), excellent wave and camp clear (Can take knights as soon as they come up with no help, basically takes no damage from siege/sappers and can clear them extremely fast), can talent into 6.5 range (Allowing him to poke tanks very safely before engaging, or even aggresively hit the backline), and has 2 power ults - An extreme finisher that allows him to finish off the entire enemy team if they get low (You know those low elo fights in which one team dies and the other team has every player at 10% or less? That doesn’t happen with Greymane), and an impressive opener that lets him easily burst down a target (Take the tank right out or burst the healer)

Of course, Greymane is also high skill-cap - Scrubs will just Worgen Form at the start of the fight and quickly get bursted. Greymane needs a team behind him - But if the team supports him, Greymane can carry the team to victory EVERY game.

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Most of the recently released heroes were not assassins.

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Unpopular =/= weak. Nothing has changed in a while that would negatively affect his power.

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When you piss off your wife and you have to sleep in the doghouse.

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hey buddy, as a greymane main for years dont let these other people change your mind, he certainly feels left behind. <3 even 4 years after this post.

just feels like playing a bruiser would just be easier, agreed <3

Well, if it makes you feel better, OP’s last logged game was at the end of May 2021, and their last logged game with Greymane was just 3 days after their post here.