Good Players for Storm League

Looking for good players to run some storm league games. Recently stopped playing storm league due to bad results. At my highest I was Silver 2 currently down to Bronze 2 which resulted in me abandoning the mode.

I can play any role although I prefer to carry the responsibility of getting kills (assassins, bruisers).

I honestly believe that with a good group of players who understand roles, heroes, maps, times to get camps etc. Climbing the ladder in storm league should be relatively simple.

Feel free to link up if interested.

interested if youre still looking

Hey. What’s your battletag?

Mike#17759 add me :grin:

Hey boi :smiley: if u are still looking for player feel free to add me if u want i atm at bronze 4 (teammates sucks for real) xbass#21193 im flexibile and mostly play everyday from 8pm - 11 pm CET (20:00 - 23:00)

hey, if you are interested still, i am silver 4, looking for people to rank up with. US server EST. bobular#1215

i just looking mostly to get player levels and hero exp, but i am prior plat/diamond player. Hit me up sometime Isaiha#1438

CheeLebba#1692 Currently silver 4


was a diamond 5 and I droped to gold 1. Sadly