Genji Rework Needed Or else Match Making needs an update

I used to rock genji, but there have been so many buffs to other heroes and nerfs to genji, as well as changes in the match making (specifically for quick match), that he’s just that hero everyone’s forgotten about. I can go glass cannon and no spell armor with liming, 1v1 an experienced genji… and still kill him… that’s messed up.

Every single match I play in qm without fail (if I’m genji), I fight an Uther or a valeera, or both, and then there’s usually an anub, or a chromi, or a malfurion, or some other char that roots or stuns or silences or interrupts… So basically if I ever engage anything in a team fight the result is immediate, stun and then stun and then silence and then stun etc… “So just wait till they use their ability then go in!” I try and usually by the time someone uses one or two or even 3 abilities the other’s have already had their stuns and roots and interrupts cooled down and are ready to rock my world again.

I get it… there needs to be something to deal with genji or else that’s not fair either, but it’s heavily imbalanced and anti genji no matter your build. I’ve got 3 solid builds for different teams… an anti tank build, a quick dive and get out build for squishies on the back line, a deflect build for high damage and Auto attackers… then combinations between the builds as needed, so there’s lots of room for versatility there.

You’d think that would cover it but it doesn’t, there is one other case that genji doesn’t have an answer for, and that’s the stunners, interrupters, silencers, and taunters. “Take it on the chin and then get out or counter after!” I would… except for one broken fact about every genji match (so it seems) in quick match… There teams you go up against are litterally 95 percent of the time full of 3-5 heroes with 1-3 abilities to stun and interrupt u all day long… to the point that if by some miracle you aren’t dead by the time they’ve all used them on you that the guy who first stunned you had their abilities cool down… and then it repeats… until you have been curb stomped into a blood pixelated mess for 12-32 minutes straight before you ultimately lose the match. There’s no answer for a team full of strong interrupt/stunning heroes.

I can understand one or two heroes with a total of 3 interrupts max. that’s managable… but it’s always 4-7 total skills between the enemy team to interrupt and genji just isn’t fun… ever. He literally went from being my favorite to being the most annoying hero to play as for me. And in case I didn’t already mention I’m level 148 with him… I’ve had plenty of experience before writing this complaint.

I’m humble… if someone has an ACTUAL reliable build for the heroes that just stun you a million times and have cd’s for days so that there’s never really a moment for you to partake of the fights other than cleaning up the almost dead guys as they all run away because your team already did all the work for you… I AM GENUINELY ALL EARS. I want a real solution and I’ll try anything if it already exists and I just have never known about it in his build.
Otherwise I must protest either ma
tch making or this hero needs an update, because as it currently stands he’s a worthless hero, and it isn’t worth it to play him for like 30 matches before you get a decent/fair one… and I’m not talking the ez matches where everyone’s a squish and no one has an answer for you… that’s more like one in every 45-55 games.

I want a new set of skills/talents for him, I don’t care if he’s more squishy or what… this anti-genji match making needs to either be redone so you’re not stuck in these retarded matches where you have to watch your team do everything and hope something opens up… while you sit there with weak A* auto attacks and throwing shuriken from a distance… also weak a*.

Genji went from a hardcore engage and escape hero (which was his whole purpose when introduced to the game) to being this weak hero, that if he encounters a team that has even the mildest level of coordination, you’re dead after the first stun/root before you can possibly escape/defend/counter attack. The hole match is just… waiting and hoping something opens up… pretty much like a 4 or 4.5 man team all game vs 5.

I know I know… complaining is easy, but he was fine up until I was around lvl 80-100, match making just got worse and worse for this hero. Now at lvl 148 I’ve just had it… there’s no fun to be had playing this hero anymore… just delete him and replace him or please find a solution here. I went from MVP every other game to being the worse member on the team after lvl 100. That isn’t me just being bad… something’s screwy here. I maybe get a genuinely fair genji match twice every 25 games with no exagerration. I don’t care if I lose a match still because the other players/team outplay me. I respect that… but that’s not what this is. They’re just charity matches for red team.

SO the suggestion is either rework Genji so that he has some kind of realistic counter to fighting specifically heroes that stun or else rework match making so that you don’t have to deal with more than two heroes with stunning capabilities. Is that not fair? Maybe it could even be as simple as increasing his auto-attack range, or some kind of invulnerability talent while deflecting and increase the cooldown of deflect so he’s not just running around invulnerable every 4-20 seconds, or some other magical new ability, I haven’t thought of.

If anyone else feels the same so I’m not the only crying player here about this… SHARE YOUR TEARS WITH ME. Comment, like, upvote, whatever kids do these days to give this topic some real attention.

I mean with humility… if a build exists that works for you just let me know. I’d love to learn one. I don’t care if you’re the saltiest rudest player out there, if you got a real build solution I haven’t considered I want to know the full build for every skill and I’ll give it a try. God knows I’ll have plenty of opportunities to get good with it as match making currently stands.

I doubt they’ll buff him to be meta, not with how slow the patches are coming in. Too many ppl would leave. He’s just too problematic when he’s meta.

They could do a complete rework, but if he differs too much from OW, they risk alienating a large portion of the remaining players and they may leave the game.

Where he’s at now sucks, but he’s still somewhat viable.

I’d rather see a few threads about buff genji from time to time than to have this forum flooded with threads about nerfing genji

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They could just super easily revert 4 nerfs and call it a day.

With so many buffs, reworks, and meta shifts I still don’t see genji being an issue at that point.

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