Gazlowe rework: part of a conspiracy?

what better way to get people to quit the game than ruin one of its most iconic heroes forever. once enough people quit, blizzard will finally have the excuse they need to shutter this game for good. they are itching to invest all the money they waste on HotS elsewhere, I’m sure…


I forget Gazlowe exists 99% of the time. So ‘iconic’ is not a word I would use to describe him.


Hahaha so true, before you’d see him once in a blue moon and be like “Oh, turrets aren’t bad” or “that laser sure has a long range, gotta be careful!”

Now I see Gaz and I just laugh. Tickle me elmo turrets and a laser I can stutter B out of.


This isn’t a conspiracy. This is standard procedure.

I think you objected on me mourning the loss of support Tassadar ! … do you feel it now ? The loss of identity of one of your favorite characters ?

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I don’t believe in conspiracies until the proof is substantial enough that it may be more than a conspiracy


Conspiracy and intrigue! The smell of secrets invigorates me early in the morning. I will ask Veleera my lovely spy master to sniff around and learn if there are any truths to the claim. Right now what I can say as i sip from this lovely red wine is that, this is my opinion Gazlowe is hardly iconic…

As someone who played since alpha I believe the iconic heroes are the ones who appeared with the first pic and trailer of Hots, that is just my opinion. =)

Crimson King
Lord of all Nexia


Well, yeah, that goes without saying.

What better way to get people to play one of the least played heroes in the game than to give him a rework and make him at least a LITTLE relevant…



Definition of iconic “Widely recognized and well-established”… odd that the definition doesn’t mention how often he’s played.

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The game is so much better without any diversity? How dare a game have characters that actually have to think instead of jumping into any fight. Brain dead ftw!


There is a dota type mentality infecting hots, where the teamfight is everything and splitpush is evil. It is revealed by referring to “afk lane push” and a tendency to demand everyone suicide into the objective despite sure death.

You see them now gloating over gaz’s corpse.
These people are morons.


Your comment is completely ignorant.

Na clearly it was Sombra who got Gazlowe reworked. Gazlowe owned her something but refused to give it. So she manipulated the stats to get him reworked.

Sombra is secretly pulling the strings behind us. It is a conspiracy I tell you.

Why must she annoy me in so many games?

People don’t seem to realize that the way you win is by destroying a structure. Winning 1000 teamfights doesn’t give you the W if the other team has somebody destroy your core while you’re massacring the other team.

I’ve won games where my team had a 1 to 10 K:D ratio.

… that you’re acting like an idiot.

Yes, the development team wants to stop working on HotS.
The team that does interviews where they enjoy working on it.
The few people I’m lucky enough to talk to on it who love it.

Yeah, their whole goal is to kill the game they like to work on.

If you’re gonna post a conspiracy at least make it make a tiny bit of sense.

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Are we talking about the same old Gazlow? :joy: Sorry, but I don’t see that fits to Gazlow at all.

Well, if the Gazlow ignores camps or objective for just sitting on one lane, then yes he is indeed “afk lane push”, because that’s not how the game is played efficiently. Dota and Hots are too different in gameplay to be compared directly.

everybody seemed to know gaz and think they knew the best way to play him. He has existed since the first year.