Game crashed and I lose 800 rank points?

I had my game crash suddenly in ranked. I had to do these steps and it finally loaded: Stuck at "Preparing game data" - #8 by Nathardrick. However, I lost like 800 rank points somehow. How is that? It should just be considered a loss if your game crashes on me. Maybe I get leaver status too, but I didn’t bail on a draft. What gives?! I was 2/3 of the way through plat 5 and now I am gold 1 on reload of game?

Technically…yes it is your fault, but not all your fault. Game crash may be a computer system issue, game issue or both. But when the game crashes it automatically counts as a leaver because it disconnects you from the game, and all leavers are punished. Game cannot detect what caused the leaver, wether if its a dodge, disconnect or crash.

Like said above, there is no way for the system to know whether it was a rage quit, power outage or something else. Everyone who disconnects from a match gets a point penalty. Equal treatment.

The penalty is 500 points though, not 800, and you regain them back 50 at a time from your next 10 ranked matches (leading to no point loss at all if you don’t DC during your next 10 matches).

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