Game Completely unplayable now, I have to uninstall

So after playing the new deckard and trying to get my teammates to drink their potions, I wanted to use an emote , something like

Please Drink the :potion: to get healed, GUESS WHAT ???: AFTER 2 YEARS THERE IS NO POTION EMOTE IN THE GAME !!!
I have pineapple pizza,
I have beer, tea, cola,
I have spam, I have ham I have popcorn…

1 potion bottle just 1 out of the 500+ emotes in the game





One hopes this is not a serious post

Ever tried placing a portal?

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See HOW BROKEN THIS IS… what other game elements are missing as emotes ???

OMG I should totally be able to communicate to my team in Rebus format but NOOOO BLIZZARD expects me to us WORDS !!!


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You have only one recourse.
Play duo with chen and have him spam the “That deserves a bref or two” line.
This is the only hope.

Medivh players will have to wait for someone to get the "get in da choppa " line.

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agreed, this is a tragedy.

cain should have a special emote you can press that tells all teammates to drink your potions.

What I would like to see is a potion spray.

And see my teammate mistake it for a real potion, and die lol.


Give me deckards healing numbers!!!

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That’s a darn good reason to do so. I’m following suit.

This reminds me i have not eaten pizza for over a year and a half now.

When I play Deckard, I literally just throw potions at people :laughing:

that’s the only way to play it seems. everyone is too potato to drink for themselves.

There even isn’t a capybara emote, the most friendly and loved animal in the world.
Trash game, uninstalled.

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You’re missing out.

Yeah, missing out on all those Pineapple pizza variations.

this reminds me the last time i eat pizza i take off my tshirt, my brother asked me what am i doing. I answered: I can’t to drop food on my cloth if i don’t wear any"
ahh… i watched too much brooklyn 99


You could always just get to like Level 100 Taunt and just Taunt when your team is not getting healed

Getting to 10% fat seems so far away for me.:sob:

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I want that emote too, for some reason telling my team to drink potions from the old man seems to put them off!

I must admit when I first saw your name MrFizzbin and the thread’s title, for a second I thought it was a serious quitting post! Pleased to be wrong. :blush:

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Gosh, it’s like those Teammates who permanently run away from the healer, searching for the next fountain or hearth back.

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