Gal rework is trash

Yet most of the complaints are around his turrets, like the OPs.

Grav-Bomb builds focused on lazors and bombs, Mecha builds focused on melee and turrets.
I’ve done both.
And he seems to still have both, though they seem to be averaged out a bit so you have to do a bit of both, even if you focus on one or the other.

The imposter gaz focuses on AA damage and regen. The area of the laser is less than 1/9th of the previous laser. The abilities used to be nearly all his damage and effects, now they’re really just there to increase his healing and damage reduction. He is WAY easier to play now, and likely a little OP because he is “new”, but his playstyle changed from a ranged late game specialst (yes I know the misclassified him as a melee assassin) to a bruiser. They went from 1 engineer and 15 bruisers to 16 bruisers.

Turrets are still important for why you’d pick him.
You people are all just repeating the same thing without actually saying anything.
I just went Lazor + GravBomb build against Zeratul and Nova and topped damage as usual. Self healing is also usually pretty close to tank levels, so maybe he is a bit over tuned in some areas and weaker in others.
That doesn’t matter. Those are just number problems, they can be fixed easily with balance changes.
My big concern is that some talents just don’t feel strong, like Rocket Boots and Bomb Toss. Those would be much harder to fix with numbers changes.

Yes, we’re saying the same thing. We already had a Dr. Pepper(bruisers) and they changed gaz from something that was unique(sake/mead) in the game into something that was another flavor of something that was already well represented(Mr. Pibb). While most of the world is screaming for diversity, the devs are removing diversity of playstyle from the game.

Except they didn’t, he still works mostly the same.

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… or not at all. He went from never getting in melee range to always in melee range. Would Valla be the same if she changed over to using a knife(melee, not throwing knives) instead of her bow?

You’re bronze Dave.
Just quit.
If you didn’t melee with Gazlowe, that might be an indication of why you are bronze.

lol, I was master with him(190 game in master league as gaz main), feel free to look me up. Like I said, few people knew how to play gaz. I was probably the only times the other team banned gaz.

No you weren’t.
And it doesn’t matter, it’s been changed.

… you can literally look it up. And it does matter. People matter, you’re not the only person that matters.

So salty, and so mad, and still so very very bad.

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