Did Tassadar make Jaina obsolete?

Jaina is still the Ice Queen of Damage. Tassadar has hard time to 100-to-0 anyone without Black Hole combos. As such he’s more about range and sustain. His waveclear is ridiculous after mid game tho. He’s comparable to Medivh’s Q upgrade from level 20 because the total damage is enough to instantly vanish even the frontliner minions.

Anyways, if anything I had even more success to play Jaina since Tassadar showed up. Unlike him you’re way more reliant on action with Jaina and less reliant on your team to herd targets into your firing line. Also in spite of the superior amount of survivability tricks for the High Templar when it comes to escaping situations Jaina is superior. So when I faced Tass comps I just used the fact that I can disassemble part of their team on my own and ruined their teamwork. Hence my increased winrate with her.


No at all. Tassadar is for good for spamming magic burst, but has no real cc, only his wall. While Jaina has tons of slow and also aoe root, if needed. How is that comparable?

Tass is more comparable to Chromie or Ming, who deals dmg by spam their spells.

I wouldn’t say it’s only his shield, but rather a mix of shields and his ability to deal dmg from save distance thanks to Q, that’s why the devs nerfed it in the last patch. Jaina’s abilitys are more midrange compared to Tass Q.

For me he feels a bit like Chromie, who can spam her abilitys from save distance and harass his enemys. But if divers comes near to him, then goes in Archon.

Tassadar is more popular because clicking archon and right click someone is easier and more rewarding.
If at any point archon is finally balanced and black hole becomes a better setup ult i can see jaina gaining ground.




I wouldn’t say obsolete, but it does beg the question of how much adding another mage to the game was really necessary lol.

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Jaina is a great button masher mage for noobies and should stay that way. If she needs buffs she should gain buffs that make her easier to play for noobies, like lowered mana costs or higher healh.

Or you can nerf both jaina and tass, not like they can’t afford it.

Jaina has one thing few other mages have: reliable damage.
Her abilities are all very difficult to dodge and come out very fast.

For that reason she’s one of my most picked mages. Not to mention her 13, 16, and 20 powerspikes (when picking water ele) are so incredibly satisfying and powerful.

Tbh, good Jaina is more dangerous than good Tassadar.


The difference between a good Tass and those who are just decent is… you die less often. That’s it. You position better, hit spells somewhat more reliably and done.

Good Jaina? She’ll show you her magic trick which involves making you disappear and suddenly on death timer. Jaina is absolutely not for a noob to handle and she has perhaps the greatest burst damage out of all mages.

Tassadar have a pretty decent slow, but Jaina’s slow is so much more consistent (even with tass AA) that engaging jaina is certain to get you CC’d rather than a risk as with Tassadar (also note that it isn’t hard to avoid his Q if you’re paying atention).

I’d say Tass have a slight advantage in not needing to wait the minion wave group up (meaning he can clear incoming waves faster) and his mana regen, but if you’re ganked while clearing as Jaina you have a better chance to survive and for me that’s enough to choose her in terms of Waveclearing.

I wouldn’t compare their ultimates, their pretty distinct and fit for their respective heroes, but i’ll cross the bridge and talk about it.
so… the set-up/CC option, Frost Ring and Black hole: Black hole have an almost instant wind-up, great as a counter tool, their effect is similar, pending to which CC is better for the situation, but Frost Ring lasts longer and deals a lot of damage. so for me black hole is only better when you’re not good at hitting that Frost Ring.
Now, the Archon… The Archon temporarily gives Tassadar increased survivability and consistent slow+damage, but tbh that’s basically Jaina with long range, also, the water elemental can do many things, one of them is increase Jaina’s reach. now, i’m not saying Water Elemental is equal to Tass Q, but it helps Jaina do Jaina things.

Jaina’s W can secure kills just as good (with few exceptions to both sides), and I’d say that the only thing I favour about Tass’ E over Jaina’s W is its ability to physically move people away from it’s center.

I’ll conclude saying that neither Tassadar nor Jaina is straight better than the other, Jaina can do a lot of things better than Tassa, and Tassa can do some things better than Jaina. but if I were to choose without any decisive factor I’d choose Jaina simply because she’s more independent. They don’t need buffs nor nerfs, they just need some more love from the players.

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Never thought about that, but the Medallion makes Ring of Frost completely worthless against anyone outside AI games or Bronze 5.

It’s so telegraphed, so predictable, you can now just save Medallion for it and avoid a certain death by casting it just before you’re about to get rooted.

I have to admit, Jaina feels like an afterthought and non-entity at the moment.


I have no idea why you even think this.
First off, Medallion can be forced out earlier. Even if not, Ring of Frost is a modest cooldown ability and not even her only way to root people. At level 20 you even get a generous CDR element, granted that’s very late game. Plus there’s the fact Jaina builds shifted away from Ring of Frost as the main ult towards Water Elemental.

So yeah, while CC-reliant ults in the Medallion meta need more thought, that’s all to it.


Well, I wouldn’t say 80s is modest, but at least it is better than when it was at 100s. As it stands, Medallion will be able to cancel out roughly every 3rd RoF.

Then again, I never picked any other ult than RoF on Jaina anyway. Even if it hits 1-2 players it gets decent value. I just can’t remember people picking her much after Tassadar was released.

Jaina has much bigger burst than Tass. Like seriously… especially with Wintermute.


Jaina’s burst is stronger, and she’s more dangerous at close range.
She has many more ways to slow and they last longer.
Tass is fun, but there’s a reason Jaina is one of my most played.
She’s just all around good.
No one can argue against the strength of Force Wall though

Maybe because Bronze level players don’t have the reflexes where fractions of a second matter, nor can watch cooldowns as effectively.
So while a 300 second cooldown is an eternity at higher levels, and being able to drop Ring easily 3 times within that is feasible, at lower levels 300 seconds is “always up” and cool downs are so mentally of of sync that they both basically have the same cooldown.

Nothing adds up to anything in Bronze, the only thing that matters is the current moment, which is always a blank slate with all cooldowns available…

lol, Just because you’re CD is over, doesn’t mean it’s the right time to use your ult/ability.

It’s good to wait for the right moment.
It’s bad to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.
You have to make the right opportunity.
While she can use Ring 3 times (and almost a 4th) within the duration of its cooldown, she MAY use it only twice, though that buffer time for that 4th really should be making up for that room.
However, as others have said, you have other abilities and other allies they may need to use it on.
And depending how it was cast, they’re probably still going to be slowed by it. And if they needed to use the medallion, they’ve still taken damage from it.

The biggest problem of Jaina is that she is constantly out of mana unless you spec for mana talents. Basically you are oom every fight otherwise. New heroes come with ways to sustain mana baseline or don’t even have mana. Other, newer mages, don’t have such mana problems like Jaina has.

Still? I used to have the problem over a year ago, but it hasn’t been as bad for me in a while. I’ve avoided her first 2 mana regen talents for a while.