Same. Availability is independent of day. Fortunately.
What I can’t predict is a visiting friend or sickness. I have some ailment right now.
I’d like to update my earlier assessment.
I’m inscrutable. Impossible to know.
Not sure what I’d play in this setting, given the rainbow ranks. I’ll probably ask my peers in our team to draft for me.
Heroes Profile numbers seem to have moved. I’m down from 2700 to 2600, but I’m still matched as Platinum. My best heroes are calculated above 2700 and just met a competent plat at 2530. In other news, I’m also Silver 3. (This mismatch could also be applied to every one of my teammates. Bronze 5? Master? Might be Gold.)
A few months ago the two ratings were more or less hand in hand, but they seem to have deviated. (Deflation could be explained by tons of new players as the default 1800 is well below in-game defaults.)
I have a 50.000% winrate so I have no reason to be misplaced in either system.
Fun fact, my QM main is rated 2700 in QM and 2030 in SL. Sure, my worst hero is at 1500. Yup!
OK. I don’t know what I can do with that information though;
Also, we are at best 6 at the moment. Need at least 4 others.
Since it is on Sunday, maybe there are some people from the US time zone that could also play. Wait and see.
Bumping thread all by myself.
Pls help us US peeps.
I don’t know if they actually read the thread anymore, if they are even available on a Sunday.
It should be fine. Our 7-8 PM is like their 11-12 PM, a lot of people are available at this time on a sunday.
We don’t have a team, not talking about (a) second breakfast.
Midday on a weekend tends to be pretty disruptive. A lot of times weekend days are for running errands, doing things with RL friends, and I am usually playing this game called “Go Outside”. If weather and family permit, I may be available, but I can’t commit to anything.
And by weather permit, I mean the RNG involved with “Go Outside” encourages more of a “Stay Inside” gameplay.
With such a lacking amount of players joining, can I suggest to move this to another date and I suggest doing a new thread so ppl read it.
Honestly, yes, but I find the amount of people willing to join depressing.
Not sure whether the concerns (drama) about the previous one did harm, or it’s dead, or it’s my aura.
In any event, I know I’ve been reclusive in the past, still am, but if any forum mate wants to play QM in EU (my US ping is bad), can add me and ping me anytime. I certainly can’t handle Diamond premades, but up to Plat is alright, Gold is fine.
I’m sorry for you lack of people.
I would gladly join, but I didn’t expect to be busy so hard.
I see a correlation with increased thread length and lack of newjoiners
OK, let’s cancel this one.
Hum… for another date, I think Friday in two weeks (11 march, same hour) could be OK. What do you think?
PS @Karabars: Good correlation! But you mean the thread or the OP? XD
Thread. The commentcount.