Forum Avatar Stereotypes

In commence of the new avatars. I have made this.

Abathur - Likes to be alone

Alarak - Sarcastic city

Alexstraza - They will believe in their support choices to the best

Ana - Ironically they aren’t old

Anub’arak - Want’s their spider bae to be meta again

Artanis - Truthful thinkers

Arthas - nO

Auriel - Think’s that having no mana is op for every hero

Azmodan - Loves the new hitbox changes

Blaze - Hates the new hitbox changes

Brightwing - Likes to annoy

Butcher - :cut_of_meat:

Cassia - An odd ball of mystery

Chen - nice people, but no buffs

Cho - :one:

Gall - :two:

Chromie - Young, accurate people

Deckard Cain - Will know the real meta of supports

Dehaka - Has a short temper

Diablo - Always incorrect - Is likely a man

E.T.C - Will tell the truth and good opinions

Falstad - Will always miss the punchline

Fenix - :watermelon: :alien: :spider:

Garrosh - Has anger issues

Gazlowe - Mysterious?

Genji - Rare, but actually doesn’t play Genji much

Greymane - Likes to play melee assassins, but need’s a change

Gul’dan - Will swap their sides of opinion

Hanzo - Hates having to play squishies

Nexus - They chose this image, it’s their choice

Illidan - Play’s bruisers and not divers

Jaina - Makes somewhat bad decisions

Johanna - Likes to play Support

Junkrat - Loves squishies

Kael’thas - Loves quests

Kel’thuzad - Smart people, always good to have them

Kerrigan - tunnel vision of the point

Kharazim - Hates Varian Avatars

Leoric - Will give hope to threads

Li-Li - probably not 18

Li-Ming - Hates how valeera got a new skin

TLV - ???

Lt.Morales -

Lucio - Likely only speaks english but goes on the asia server

Lunara - Hates you

Maiev - there is no Maiev portrait users because it’s ugly

Malfurion - Loves Reworks to old heroes

Mal’ganis - They lost the war against the matchmaking threads

Mal’ganis 2 - me

Malthael - Craawwwling in myyy skiiiiin

Medivh - It’s either their dumb, or their wicked smart

Mephisto - Gives lots of love, ironic isn’t it?

Muradin - nO

Murky - Strategy fighters

Nazeebo - Likes to wombo combo

Minion - Loves to play specialist/ Bruiser Xul

Nova - Kagome

Orphea - Artistic and creative

Probius - :rage:

Ragnaros - Wishes for a new skin but Valeera and Li-ming get’s it

Raynor - An old Alpha player

Rehgar - Tank mains

Rexxar - 25% troll, 75% kind person

Samuro - Used to play wc3 and also mains tlv

Sgt.Hammer - Everyone hates them

Sonya - Overestimates their hero’s power

Stitches - :teddy_bear:

Stukov - Likely European

Sylvanas - Loves the new reworks

Tassadar - Want’s more reworks

Thrall - Loves self sustain

Tracer - :-1:

Tychus - Hate’s tobacco use

Tyrael - Will not talk face to face with people

Tyrande - Loves globals

Uther - Tactical veterans

Valeera - Turn’s into Li-Ming portraits often

Valla - Loves AA

Varian - Hates Kharazim portraits

Whitemane - Hates nerfs

Xul - Will be the best bruiser that ever lived

Yrel - Derpy players

Zagara - y u bulli me

Zarya - Has many languages under their belt

Zeratul - Hates stealth rework

Zul’jin - Loves to mix up builds

and finally

Default - Noobs and salty forumers “ded gayme”

Personally i’m a Mal’ganis


That’s it, I’m blocking you on Discord.


banned from my minecraft christian server


Brightwing doesnt like to annoy ;(
I get the other two, but what does the fenix watermelon mean? xD


Complicated messages.

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Elaborate please, I don’t get it.


Watermelon - He’s in water life support

Alien - He’s a Protoss

Spider - He’s in a 4 legged thingie


All I know is that D.Va posters always seem to be terrible human beings.


Do you mean Trolls? :joy:

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What is this, January 2018 :thinking:



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If this is supposed to fit the portrait user i have to disagree, if it is the character:
I do not think Lunara hates people, she just tries to get the best out of them (dung). Orphea could fit with her dance moves.

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Thank you for noticing me, senpai.


:jp: :heart: :kissing_closed_eyes:

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I actually don’t like to run bruisers often lol, I just like Illidan’s story and melee assassins in general.


I question Malthael’s description.


Yeah it should have been this tbh.


Weird way to spell that, but I fixed it for you.


lower your volume a bit for this

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This is actually accurate.

Every time my wife goes to work I sigh FINALLY, sit in my “mens nest” and get my *** kicked in XCOM 2. If only stupid cat could use the toilet and fridge on his own :confused:

Oh and I cba with premades.