Forced 50% winrate is real and Blue Lied again

Which is called confirmation bias. Were the other people in your team also on a win streak and therefor needed the loss? Was the system deliberately screwing with ‘innocent’ people just to screw with you?

No the system is not that smart.

Basically in matchmaking: the system checks your hidden mmr score and compares that mmr score to other players in the queue, trying to keep the scores as close as possible. There’s a few fudge cases where it may drag a slightly higher skilled player when no one else is available but even that has rules and limits.

What you really should be talking about is the math that determines your mmr. mmr is literally nothing more than a number but that number is meant to represent your entire skill in the game, that’s your skill across all maps, across all heroes and roles, etc. Never mind that it doesn’t allow for good days and bad days. That and mmr climbs faster with win streaks and drops faster with loss streaks.

And btw, mmr is separate from rank so those ‘high rankers’ would actually have a bad mmr and are therefore considered the equivalent of gold level in terms of ‘recorded’ skill.

It’s not confirmation bias. It has literally happened. I’ve seen after 7 wins in a row, the enemy team be 20 ranks above me (Pre-season) while all 4 of my teammates were unranked and obviously subpar, beyond subpar. I’ve seen the ranks in 2.0 go a league above me and a league below me. Multiple Diamond opponents while I’m plat 5. All my teammates were Gold 5 or Silver 1. This was after 7 wins.

2.0 is not now, that was years ago. Nothing that happened years ago is relevent today. Please use more up to date examples from this year, this build of the game.

If we went by some complainers and got rid of 50% winrate some guy who played 20 games and lost 18 would have quite an interesting winrate.
How can you say your 50% winrate is a thing because of your elite skills and not only because the system inflated it so that you are not there with a sub 10% one?

Wow dude. 10 characters.
@Frozenwolf. Not much has publicly changed. They tried to add individual stats but it broke the game, and then they said they were implementing them privately. Now this guy says there’s no such process. lol
It’s all a big joke.

So? I still do not have my answer would you advocate for that 50% winrate rule to disapear and handle whatever your winrate would be afterwards? Even if it close to 0%?

I’m not that bad to where I’d have a 0% winrate but your argument is staggering me nonetheless. I think I will cry in my pillow for six hours and try to think of a valid response worthy of your wit.

If your claim about the forced winrate was true it should be easy to test using the parameters of your OP.

Just follow the same steps and find out yourself.

Edit: Than again a handful of won games against 100 loses would not give you a 50% winrate.

That’s why the term “Forced 50% winrate” is sort of a meme. The implication is that there is match fixing. This has been covered in many attempts at this discussion in the past. It also has serious pitfalls because then you get into the Grubby argument where “A good matchmaker aims for 50% winrate.” That’s not in dispute. The problem is there are very clear situations where Blizzard’s statement is totally false, that when you go on a winstreak in an established MMR territory in the middle of the rank distribution, that your winstreaks will be met with opposition by the matchmaker fixing you up with teammates that go down in rank and opponents that go up in rank. This is indisputable, and until you’ve tried it, you have no right to gaslight which is all anybody has ever been able to do to deny the claim, even Blizzard.

This is obviously true as your MMR starts increasing faster than your score. The game compensates for that but slower, assuming you’re not actually that good.

Win 20 in a row and this will certainly become a factor.

How can you be so sure?
If there is no 50% winrate system it could be a possibility of being way under 50%.
0% is unrealistic of course but having people at 30% 20% would be.
Also some people could consider being gold being the same as having 0% winrate.

You don’t.

If people ‘know’ of something, then their experience and conduct would be different. Similarly, having ‘seen’ something does not indicate that they read it, understood it, or processed it beyond a blip in their mind to file in agree/disagree polarized generalizations.

Functionally, I don’t think you’ve seen any posts “like mine” as you would otherwise be better prepared to argue your case and point. Instead, you have compose yourself in a manner of all other alt-accounts like yours that process a claim of expertise, and then present little to anything that actually backs their claim.

“I know what I experienced”

For someone trying to bring up a “court of law” it smells like you don’t know how unreliable testimony witness can be. That’s part of why corroborative evidence is helpful for aligning claim with ‘proof’

As I wrote before, and you clearly did not read, regardless of your recollection of ‘experience’ what you provided does not indicate that it applies to the whole/majority or anything beyond just what you have experienced. In that regard, you haven’t provided anything to denouce other people as ‘liars’ and are more prone to indicating yourself to be one instead.

For ‘knowing all the arguments’ you certainly don’t seem to have a grasp on how burden or proof works and similarly think that people have to ‘disprove’ what you’ve written despite the evident value of proof to claim.

Thus far your claim for defense is about that of your claim of argument and both are lacking, indicate a lack of expertise, experience and cause for others to actually care outside of stemming what boredom they have in seeing this same ol’ dance done again and again.

As I wrote before in this very post, if you had the experience that you so claim to have, you would know to compose yourself better than you have thus done.

Once someone drops the “i don’t care” card, it pretty much cements that they don’t have the interest to actually be consistent in their claim as they want to insist which is why their conduct undermines their argumentation, and then they pretend that their apathy is showhow empowering.

You are the one trying to make a claim, present proof and assert some sort of ‘truth’ in the matter. If you can’t produce the particulars that demonstrate your claim, then it’d likelier the case to be that you’re the sort lacking in self-awareness as thinks blaming others for their own faults magically makes them better than everyone else.

I could echo your words on not wanting to ‘believe me’ but I’ve generally found that those that revel in that sort of conduct aren’t going to ‘enjoy their life’ and their misery fuels their delusions and apathy.

The “arguments” of this repetition tend to rely on the sole perspective (not experience) of the claimant, and their assertions fall apart as soon as the matches they claim ‘prove’ their case are looked at from the perspective of any other player in that match.

I guess you’re proud of yourself for the magical effort you put in to roll an alt account, but that’s simply time you could have spent actually reading stuff and improving yourself instead of hoping the “i’m rubber and you’re glue” arguments are cart blanche on ‘proving’ something.


What are you even here to argue? I’ve seen your posts in other forced 50 threads. You have nothing to offer except your unabashed support of Blizzard like they are God. It’s embarrassing.

Once someone drops the I don’t care card.

Seriously, just go to law school. You have my full support.

The player: has 2k mmr atm
The MM: let’s put it with allies and enemies with 2k mmr
The allies and enemies with 2k mmr: has their mmr either by climbing up to that place via winstreak or falling via lsoestreak, divided among the two teams at random
The player: the MM forces me to lose!

How can a forced MM be proven real?
I mean you need to come up with a working theory that can explain every single outcome with its hypothesis.
Like how ppl have 20-80% wr based on how skilled they are, even after hundreds of games. How high/low winrate is acceptable at any given skill rank. How often can you do nothing to win and how often you can do nothing to lose. What Blizz gains from a “hidden” system that is rigged which everyone “knows” about and makes ppl upset and leave the game? How can it predict anything?
And if it can predict so complex thinks as human behaviour to predetermine match-outcomes, why not use it for a real, balanced and fun MM?

How the MM actually works:

  • You win a lot, you gain mmr.
  • You lose a lot, you lose mmr.
  • The MM tries to match you with and againt ppl of the same mmr.
  • If it can’t find ppl exactly at your mmr (especially easy if ppl are in queue with “rainbow” premades), it use a larger spectrum but averages the two teams so it’s mathematically should be “fair”.
  • If you win a lot, the MM tests you if you’re truly good or not so you can’t climb too high with luck.
  • If you lose a lot the MM tests you if you’re truly that bad or not so you don’t fall too low with bad luck.

Didn’t bother to read through the whole thread. Did OP provide screenshots or match replays from matches where he got placed against people league higher than him?

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This is what happens when most heroes are well balanced (at least, no one’s overpowered) and there hasn’t been any new major content in months. People have to make things up to be mad about. First it’s random baseless “X is OP” threads, then it’s this garbage again and again.

Seriously, all these people come out of the woodwork at the exact same time, under the exact same circumstances. It’s not good enough to be happy and quiet. There must always be something to rage at :sleeping:


Ah, another loser who blames the system instead of getting good.

With nothing but his word against Blizzard and “proof” that was deleted long ago.

You have no argument yourself. So there’s no need for counter arguments.

Come and post on your main if you have even a little integrity. And show us a sceenshot of your main account so we can have an impression of how much experience you have in general as someone who’s been “playing on and off since launch”


This is where you and all other Blizzard shill, forum mains completely fail at logic. Your questions don’t lead you to investigation. They lead you to dismissal because you imply through your phrasing that it’s ridiculous to assert such a notion.

You guys insane, and there’s nothing I can do to help you. Anytime I get even remotely close with any of you, to the point that I might be able to begin helping you think logically, I get forum banned. How nice for you all to have such a safe space where Blizzard protects you while protecting their interests.

The answers to your questions are multiple, and if I could toss out a simple answer which myself and others would understand, it would still completely baffle Forum mains such as yourself.

It’s more profitable to make money off of manipulating people than putting in loads of effort into shining and maintaining the game while keeping up with increasing production demands. That is clear of Blizzard’s actions in every franchise they have. They appease to the lowest common denominator, who they think their target demographic is, the people with the most money to spend without thinking about it, and they ignore the core fanbase which they have replaced with fickle gamers that bounce from hyped title to hyped title or the entire Chinese Market. They have algorithms that can pair up skilled players with expensive skins with unskilled players with inexpensive skins, knowing that a player may be inclined to purchase said expensive skin to emulate the skilled player. Blizzard of course states that they wouldn’t use this even though they have the patent.

All of your platitudes can be rephrased to

How MM actually works according to Blizzard’s PR department.
It’s fair according to loyal gamers that don’t think too much and to unsuspecting fickle gamers that hop from title to title.

This is why Tracer was released with a 70%+ winrate a week prior to OW Launch only available for people that preordered OW. That means loyal dedicated HotS players could not play Tracer for 1 week unless they preordered OW. She was so OP on release that new players that had never played the game before but had access to her because they preordered a demographic magnet game that attracted general audience gamers , had a character they could win games easily with because she completely broke the mechanics of the game. Players that were dedicated to HotS that bought OW had an even more insane monster of a hero that could completely solo the enemy team for 1 week straight.

You guys want to blame the death of Pro-League on the death of the game? By the way, pro league was just a marketing ploy to sell the game to make quick microtransaction dollars. That’s why the game had no staying power, why they ditched it to a skeleton crew, and why it continues to bleed players. It was GREEDY moves like Tracer’s release and so many other cash grabs in the same vein.

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That is in dispute. I claim that a good match maker slots it’s player base according to what constitutes good gameplay, and only allows those that have a high degree of all such skills to have a standardized MMR system.

These threads about the forced 50% winrate have been around since the beginning of the forums, since the game launched. It got to the point on Reddit that they auto-delete submissions with that topic. The game is in a better spot than it has been in the past, I will admit, and I have no qualms about admitting that. I’m enjoying playing it. However, to say that there are no overpowered heroes right now is laughable.

This topic has always been the source for rage. It’s nothing new. People have experienced the same exact thing I talked about in the start, and they’ve left.

What bothers me extremely is people like you, Kara and a handful of others that have thousands of comments on this board over the years that keep saying everything is fine and that it’s the fault of the OP for why their complaint exists, not that there’s anything wrong with the game. It’s just INSANE of you guys to keep doing that year after year when everything bad that could happen has happened. Pro-league died. Playerbase died. Production team died.