You don’t.
If people ‘know’ of something, then their experience and conduct would be different. Similarly, having ‘seen’ something does not indicate that they read it, understood it, or processed it beyond a blip in their mind to file in agree/disagree polarized generalizations.
Functionally, I don’t think you’ve seen any posts “like mine” as you would otherwise be better prepared to argue your case and point. Instead, you have compose yourself in a manner of all other alt-accounts like yours that process a claim of expertise, and then present little to anything that actually backs their claim.
“I know what I experienced”
For someone trying to bring up a “court of law” it smells like you don’t know how unreliable testimony witness can be. That’s part of why corroborative evidence is helpful for aligning claim with ‘proof’
As I wrote before, and you clearly did not read, regardless of your recollection of ‘experience’ what you provided does not indicate that it applies to the whole/majority or anything beyond just what you have experienced. In that regard, you haven’t provided anything to denouce other people as ‘liars’ and are more prone to indicating yourself to be one instead.
For ‘knowing all the arguments’ you certainly don’t seem to have a grasp on how burden or proof works and similarly think that people have to ‘disprove’ what you’ve written despite the evident value of proof to claim.
Thus far your claim for defense is about that of your claim of argument and both are lacking, indicate a lack of expertise, experience and cause for others to actually care outside of stemming what boredom they have in seeing this same ol’ dance done again and again.
As I wrote before in this very post, if you had the experience that you so claim to have, you would know to compose yourself better than you have thus done.
Once someone drops the “i don’t care” card, it pretty much cements that they don’t have the interest to actually be consistent in their claim as they want to insist which is why their conduct undermines their argumentation, and then they pretend that their apathy is showhow empowering.
You are the one trying to make a claim, present proof and assert some sort of ‘truth’ in the matter. If you can’t produce the particulars that demonstrate your claim, then it’d likelier the case to be that you’re the sort lacking in self-awareness as thinks blaming others for their own faults magically makes them better than everyone else.
I could echo your words on not wanting to ‘believe me’ but I’ve generally found that those that revel in that sort of conduct aren’t going to ‘enjoy their life’ and their misery fuels their delusions and apathy.
The “arguments” of this repetition tend to rely on the sole perspective (not experience) of the claimant, and their assertions fall apart as soon as the matches they claim ‘prove’ their case are looked at from the perspective of any other player in that match.
I guess you’re proud of yourself for the magical effort you put in to roll an alt account, but that’s simply time you could have spent actually reading stuff and improving yourself instead of hoping the “i’m rubber and you’re glue” arguments are cart blanche on ‘proving’ something.