I tried looking up the mega thread where Blizz posted in it, explaining how or where the concept comes from, but I can’t find it. Is it gone? Only 1 person in the thread made a comment about how it is indeed real. I’m going to explain it succinctly again which may have been done before, but it bears repeating because Blizz neglects this fact and so do most players.
If you go on a winstreak, your teammates get weaker and your opponents get stronger. I’ve seen this several times in my years of play. I’ve seen it in pre-season. I’ve seen it in 2.0. Here’s an example of what it looks like.
Ranked Play:
5 game winstreak:
-Game 6:
*Player 1 - Gold 1
*Teammate - Gold 4
*Teammate - Gold 4
*Teammate - Gold 3
*Teammate - Gold 4
*Opponent - Plat 3
*Opponent - Plat 4
*Opponent - Plat 2
*Opponent - Plat 3
*Opponent - Plat 3
Now let’s say you win. It’s on to game 7.
-Game 7:
*Player 1 - Plat 5
*Teammate - Gold 5
*Teammate - Gold 5
*Teammate - Gold 4
*Teammate - Unranked
Opponent - Plat 1
Opponent - Plat 2
Opponent - Plat 1
Opponent - Diamond 5
Opponent - Plat 1
Now consider the possibility here that one of your teammates DCs, and you ping control and STILL WIN!
Game 8:
*Player 1 - Plat 5
*Teammate - Gold 5
*Teammate - Unranked
*Teammate - Silver 1
*Teammate - Unranked
*Opponent - Diamond 5
*Opponent - Diamond 4
*Opponent - Diamond 5
*Opponent - Unranked
*Opponent - Plat 1
And you get a DC again and you lose this time.
In Preseason I actually had my 8th game be 4 unranked teammates when I was rank 30. All of the opposing team was in the 10-15 range with the exception of one of them being an unranked player.
This absolutely happens, and to deny it is the most absurd thing one can possibly say with regard to this game. I know people that have experienced it. I experienced it several times like I said. It happens on a lesser scale for people that don’t experience a winstreak like that. It just gets chalked up as a potato teammate, factor of play, or an off game for a player, and it gets dismissed.
There was an actual study on Reddit posted by a player that tried to lose 100 games in a row to try and trigger the matchmaker to force him to win. It happened a couple times. He would dive towers all match, doing his best to feed the other team xp. He was eventually paired with Grandmaster players to force him a win. It happened maybe a handful of times out of 100 games.
Blizzard is lying to us and they know it!