Forced 50% Matchmaker Theory

Actually one tricks get punished because your own team becomes more versatile. You need to fill in more roles and get good at them and depending what rank you in. e.g Be a good tank to climb out of Silver and Gold as many players just want to dps in that rank, and don’t have the focus or the apm skills as a tank due to just wanting to play Assassins all the time.

That’s why you see Masters play gimmicky heroes without question like Murky or Gazlowe because 1. no-one questions their ranks so they pick what they want and 2. they know or don’t know this but they actually have good/strong decent players peeling and healing for them alot of the time and it enables them to do their jobs. Because HOTS is a strong team game, Bads stand out so much in this game that you can’t carry a bad team unless you pick a super safe carry. However you can carry a decent team that know and can play the basics in a map and teamfight.

Mad killer maths be 100% win rate

Of course It’s not completely random because there are matchmaking rules! If you pick a bruiser then the enemy team will most likely have one too. If you would understand the rules you could use this info to your advantage.
Some heroes shine in QM and those heroes will also be played more in QM than in any other mode. Butcher is a good example. Assassins that are good vs other assassins shine in QM just because of the matchmaking rules → Most likely the enemy team will have no support or no tank if you solo queue as an assassin. So would it make sense to solo queue as Tychus? Not so much… Assassins that are good vs tanks need to be played in premade teams where one of the premade plays a tank, just to make sure the enemy team gets a tank.

Then there is also the free to play hero rotation which has a big impact on the hero composition.
Lets say you play a bruiser in a week where butcher is free to play then of course you will have a lot more butchers in the enemy team as usual.

Do you know what confirmation bias is and what a self fulfilling prophecy is? This is what you get most likely by making those predictions. There is no reward or title for you to get by making good predictions. QM isn’t balanced and that’s on purpose/intentionally/by design. Of course sometimes you get the worse team and sometime you get the better team. That doesn’t mean it’s rigged around you.

Maybe try draft modes because there you can ban butcher and both teams create their own composition. I would almost assume that you still need to get your guaranteed hero pick and that’s why you don’t like to play draft mode?

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Thank you. Q.E.D if you want to sound smart.

Strangely enough, yes I heard of it. And your use of the latter is wrong. And no I don’t like draft mode cause there’s too many troll and randoms might just as well pick QM as often it gives me the same randomness. Especially since Blizzard made you can preselect your role and then 70% of the players seem to ingore it XD.

And it had been discussed to death, but without seeing the source code, everyone has to believe. And I believe its more rigged then it should, since it was proven in anthem that numbers on screen are just that, since ea and activsion have patents on “adaptive player levels”. There is more “evidence” for and against. I the end everyone has to believe.

Last Note on my part:

I should in theory not be able to make such accurate predictions after 7 minutes of the game. Since we are constantly told never give up, it can always change. Yes everything can change, I can even win the Lottery. But it’s so unlikely that many rather not be forced to endure sometimes 20 minutes of losing :wink:

But I truly like you, your arguments where thought out and you even made nice suggestion. I just don’t agree with you, but wish more were like you.

People who do not fall under criteria to experience this phenomena should refrain themselves from commenting. It is very definition of being ignorant and proud of it. I often see critics dismissing and ridiculing other people experiences, but suspiciously, they never talk when this thing happens to them. I will leave reader to make its own conclusion why these critics never experience this phenomena themselves…


I don’t understand why you discuss MM so intensively, when only thing that matters in my games is whether I get AI on my team or not.

I see people disconnecting in almost every second game. I don’t want to say they are trolls or just went afk. They often say they have crazy lags before they finally disconnect or the somehow manage to reconnect shortly before game ends and apologize for disconnect. It happens so frequently and it is so hard (although not impossible) to win with AI, that I start to believe MM is irrelevant. Then after horrible game with maybe even 2 AI (yes this also happens!), I finally get a game with 5 people with perfect internet connection (or is it Blizzard server that has problems?), no lags, no disconnects and oh wonder, we win the game. Yes Blizzard, I can win a game when it is 5v5 not 4+AIv5 or 3+2AIv5.

The number of times i’ve been hard countered by the draft with things like solo tank Sonya into a perfect diablo ran dive comp proves this notion wrong.

I bet the enemy team had a leaver on that game you won. This game doesn’t ban people for leaving/afking, just silences them which is why there’s so many leavers.

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You forgot the trolls.

Yes, probably. And this thought is always in the back in your head so you can’t even enjoy it when you win a game…

Perfect answer. One master playing with four bronzes is not the same as a five-platinum team. The mmr of both teams maybe can be closer in numbers, but in fact no. Thats the big mistake of the matchmaker. Im main (diamond2) with Grey, Sonya and Fenix. When I decide to queue solo, in quick match, i use to get very low win rate people in my teams every match. it’s not a coincidence. Its the matchmaking trying to push me back to 50%. Lucky im good so I can carry all the matches with my mains keeping 60% wr. But i need to be mvp always, no chance of win with the potatos, without beeing mvp. And heres the reason i cant play weak heroes in quick match, or sups, or tanks. With this acount the stomp is guaranteed. I dont agree with this sistem.

While necroing a 7 month old topic is kind of harsh, I do agree with you the current MMR averaging gives very bad outcomes.

1 Master with four bronze is simply not in an equal position with five plats. The five plat team is at a massive, huge advantage. Even if the two teams average MMR is the same - one very good player in HotS just does not have the same impact as five plat players.

In this game, the higher rank the lowest player on your team, the better. You do not want to have a ton of anchors like Bronze 3, Bronze 5 on your side vs. an enemy whose lowest player is Platinum or Diamond. Even if you are GM#1.

(Fortunately, this kind of averaging is quite rare outside small servers currently, unless you play very early in the morning - the worst combination is playing on a server like Australia at 4.AM, leading to the matches you described)

Old example from a lesser server, on how to not execute matchmaking and MMR averaging (not nearly as bad as your example, but it’s still very painful for the GM):

I play latin-america server. The matches i described are the standard for that server. Take my acount play several matches with Fenix and then tell me about your experience. If u play 15 matches in a row and dont be mvp in all of this matches, u will probably lose almost all the matches. Try another streak. Same stuff. A lot of umbalanced matches agaist u. Bad people, low levels, trolls, afks in your side versus 5 competent players in the otherside.

Oh, in that case I understand your concern.

LATAM server is about as low population as Australia, there are severe matchmaking issues due to a general lack of players.

One thing that has been commonplace here is go 5 stack’s in quick matches all day against new players, to achieve a magical win rate, around 90% in hundreds of games played… there are people here who ONLY PLAY this way, clearly abusing the system … the guy is not even very good sometimes, he is a mere platinum, but takes advantage of matchmaking issues, its pathetic.

It has been always like this in every mode. In Ranked/Unranked the matchmaker also goes its extra mile to make sure that you get paired with people who either have characters/builds to counter you or teammates who have comfortable picks/builds which counter you as well.

I abused the system with friends back in the day as well to some degree with a unorthodox combo which made the matchmaker really desperate to ruin our winning streak.

Getting a bit tinfoily, imo. How on earth would the matchmaker know which builds players are going to pick?

The topic was about MMR averaging, which is a harsh reality in HotS.
But matchmaker forcing talent builds?
Some counters are also subjective; I’ve even heard people saying “ETC counters Zeratul” and other nonsense.

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Your preferred pick-rates for talents are also saved which goes into the calculation in the end. Everything gets factored in, even map winratio.

I thought this was common knowledge at this point.

Sounds like a wild conspiracy though, considering all we know from official patch notes is only MMR/Rank is taken into factor (and for QM, hero level).


If i hv the data of every single meal you have eaten for the last 1-3 years, i can probably guess all your meals for the next 7 days with some degree of accuracy.

In QM you ald have ur pick, in ranked it’s possible the matchmaker factored you in with hypothesized picks. Free will ? may be it just math to the matchmaker…