Fenix AA CD exploit

Activating repeater cannon resets Fenix’s autoattack animation allowing him to to autoattack in Phase Bomb mode using his swap CD rather than his normal AA cooldown. This trick relies on using a move command to suppress the Repeater Cannon attack so that the phase bomb gets the AA reset from the swap. This results in a 30% increase in Phase Bomb DPS.

Here’s a video of the technique being demonstrated:

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That’s not a bug. That is a feature for skilled players.


Please read up on “artificial difficulty”. Mashing the W button to get slightly more DPS is not fun gameplay. If he’s balanced with the extra attack speed, then simply make that his regular W attack speed and skip the chore of having to mash W.

I’d save you the google search and give you a link to “artificial gameplay”, but links are not allowed.

It’s not meant to be fun, it’s a feature for people who play at a high level. It adds levels of difficulty for the hero. This happens with every hero in the game.

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If that’s the case, why are these “features” so far and few between? AA resets with on-next-autoattack abilities is a common design pattern, but these abilities have significant cooldowns.

Blizzard being blizzard :woman_shrugging: