Feedback on Tyrael's Defense of the Angels change

Look chap we dont want to tell you what to do.
But please listen to other peoples advice. Right now you are doing the opposite of making a name for yourself. That is not good for everyone.

Just try to be constructive respectful and not passive aggressive and more down to earth because you act like you are all mighty without the knowledge proof or words to back it up.

Like banana said here

The more you sabotage yourself the less people will listen to your voice. This is also real life advice. Just try to be constructive respectful and more thoughtful. Right now I have to be honest with you, I dont believe anything you say. This is your credibility towards me at this moment


As already stated many times, you do that by giving us actual proof (video, in-game screen of your stats) and not by just writing down that you’re the “best in the world” because that is laughable at best.

But since you keep avoiding to give any proof, you’re just a troll.


Either there are two different people using the same account, or you are just being ignorant, incompetent, and just plain inept.

You don’t ‘debate’ the developers. This isn’t because they are infallable, but rather because they have access to a whole HOST of information that we don’t even have a close approximation of. The largest body of knowledge is the direct access to the servers they play on and the information they can glean from every match played. I have no doubt that they could tell us the cumulative damage a single ability from a single character across every game played in a certain time window, you can’t. They also have access to their own work, where they are not only developing new things, but attempting to streamline and enhance the existing characters in light of what’s coming and how things are supposed to be.

You, sir, haven’t even provided ANY proof other than you’re ‘the best’…

Finally, I want to apologize to the OP for having his wonderful post derailed by a troll into something it was never intended to be. We need more posters like him to be able to provide thoughtful things for the devs to see and read (like I know they do already, reading without posting) and also other posters like Karabars, KYX, and Hoku so we can keep a thoughtful and insightful conversation going for the devs to see what we’re thinking.

Loving the game doesn’t mean demeaning the people who work on it for a living.