Feedback for Chromie Rework (Edited from a previous reply to another post)

As a lvl 180 chromie player, I am completely disappointed with her changes. The developers didn’t even communicate with the players who can actually play her at a high level, which also shows they didn’t give a damn.

There are a couple of points that I would like to point out about why do you want (and not want) to pick Chromie in a game:

  1. You pick her because the opposing team has a hero who has long range and will be left unchallenged without a range assassin who has an even longer range. E.g.: A situation where you want to pick Chromie against Li-ming (or Orphea).
  2. You do NOT want to play Chromie for siege attacks. That’s usually the duty of the specialist (or hero with good wave clear) on your team.
  3. You want to pick on hero who often gets away: Tracer (post-recall), Genji (post-deflect).
  4. You want some serious burst damage that surpasses Li-ming’s level of burst damage.
  5. You want a hero who has a quick escape.

Now some points about playing Chromie in general:

  1. She has a very, very high skill cap (before this patch). Like Alarak and Kel’thuzad
  2. To play her, you have to be an expert at predicting your opponent’s movements. For example, a good Chromie should be able to combo time trap with her W and Q at the same moment.

Now let’s talk about why exactly the new Chromie is useless:

  1. All of the aforementioned 5 reasons of why you want (and not want) to play her are now no longer valid.
  2. Old players now to go through the same learning process all-over again. Have the developers considered the amount of time that veteran players will have to spend on relearning a hero?? VERY DISRESPECTFUL!
  3. If you want to compare her new W with Gul’dan’s E, then why do you want to play her at all, when Gul’dan E is far better (DOT is always better than burst; more accurate, too)?
  4. If you want a balanced amount of combined hero damage and siege damage, then you should just pick Jaina.

Before I get to some concluding remarks, I want to talk about some issues related to drafting dynamics after her changes:

  1. Now that Chromie is not “bursty”, other long-range assassins will run rampant on in our meta.
  2. Hyper-mobile heroes like Genji and Tracer will face fewer counters (what a shame! They are cancer.)
  3. Junkrat might become popular for pre-patch veteran Chromie players.
  4. Li-ming is the biggest winner after this patch. No more Chromie nightmares!

Concluding Remarks:
This Chromie rework is a complete disaster, in the sense the developers have REMOVED ALL OF CHROMIE’S SIGNATURE MOVES!

  • You can’t Bye Bye (I CONSIDER THIS A CRIME AGAINST CHROMIE PLAYERS! Think about it, would you remove tracer’s recall? Would your remove Gul’dan’s Demonic Circle? Would you remove Li-ming’s Reset???)
  • Your Q can’t go through minion waves anymore, so you have to be A LOT LESS AGGRESSIVE. Another great loss for Chromie.
  • Your W’s damage is PATHETIC!
  • Your op lvl 18 talent is op for NO GOOD REASON.


  1. I would love to talk to those developers in person. Because I wanna know how exactly they came up with all those silly ideas for her rework.
  2. I understand the experience of playing Chromie can get quite “polarizing”. BUT! WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF DRAFT?! You draft so that you can avoid situations where Chromie is a bad pick!
  3. It seems the developers care more about how the greater number of noobs feel about playing against Chromie than about how we devoted Chromie veterans had spent hours and hours perfecting our skills! If they continue to do something like this, then they should remove abilities or talents like Tracer’s recall, Mal’ganis’s Q and Blind As A Bat! The game will simply get less and less fun if developers only care about the feelings of those players WHO CANNOT EVEN DODGE A SKILLSHOT WITH A LANDING ZONE INDICATOR!

P.S.: I am disgusted!


I like it. She might not end up with 100 k damage, or sometimes second best damage depending who’s aa ranged or mage. She does something different though. Sustained pressure and zoning. I’ve been playing her and she turns the battlefield chaotic in favour for my team, and when I don’t have trolls on the team, they take advantage of it naturally.


I disagree, and I assume that you don’t even understand how Chromie should function as a hero.

  1. When you think about the design of a hero, you think about the specific set of skills and talents that he or she can bring! In short, you want to create a niche where the hero will thrive! With the new patch, is Chromie unique in any significant way? NO! Because she is not a burst hero anymore! Would you change Tracer to a hero with LOW MOBILITY??? This is about common sense in game design!
  2. This is matter of substitution between heros. If you want to achieve a set of specific goals in the game, what do you do? You draft a team that maximizes the potential to achieve them! Then, if you want to maximize burst damage on a target like a veteran level Li-ming, what can you do?! Or, if you want a mage with excellent wave-clear, you can pick Gul’dan.
  3. Back to your point, “sustained pressure and zoning”. Do you want a Chromie do that, when you have Gul’dan, Kael’thas, and Junkrat?

Hey there, I can see from where you are coming from making this topic, but Petition threads are frowned upon here, so you better off changing that title.

Edit: I’m just suggesting, not trying to moderate here or anything, your post is really well detailed and I would be really dissapointed to see it removed simply because there’s “Petition” in the title.


I don’t see what the problem is personally, chromie gets camps easier, can timetrap multiple people with patience, BYEBYE IS GONE.

I was actually doing pretty well with her imo, in one game I managed to do top siege (beating out the enemy azmo) and top damage and top soak. It was nice.

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Just adapt to it man.

It’s just a different hero now. That means Chromie will be used for different reasons than the older version. It’s understandable that player don’t like it too much when their favorite hero gets changed but i personally like the rework.

Losing bye bye is a good trade for having VP on demand.

I agree, this rework is pure cancer and should be undone. In fact, they should have trusted PTR feedback to at least give some more testing time. But that’s that, chromie will become unplayable outside of QM: low noobs can’t play her, high level players will autoban her.


:frowning_face: :frowning: :slightly_frowning_face:

When they rework an Hero so deeply, someone will for sure be displeased.
The Chromie’s concept has changed and so her playstyle and role. People will adapt to it in time or simply stop playing her.

Imho, still better than just do a job like the Kerrigan’s one.


Hey there, I can see from where you are coming from making that reply, but posts warning of potential disciplinary actions against other users are frowned upon here, so you are better off changing that post.

Continuing the discussion from Welcome! Please Read Before Posting.:

yep, i had a pretty high win rate with her tbh. they took away her nuking potential imo though. she just doesnt seem that scary now as a mage.

since im not playing her now i am not even going to worry about the new skin. chromie feels worthless to me now so i dont need her new skin. i will just go play jaina, gul, and kt… they can all still blow ppl up just fine.


I can name around 5 heroes that you’d pick to counter Tracer or Genji and Chromie is not 1 of them.

I can assure you that is not a valid reason to pick Chromie. I can also name 10 heroes with better escapes and Chromie is still not one of them.

2 of which are not why one would play Chromie.

God forbid you adjust to a reworked hero, god forbid they might be good.

And by “other long range assassins” you mean Li-ming and maybe Hanzo since there are no other long ranged assassins other than hammer who Chromie still counters.

Chromie wasn’t a counter to hypermobile heroes. Any decent tracer will recall out of your loop and any decent Genji will pop deflect right when he gets looped. And then both with dive and kill you, and then safely dash out. If you honestly think Chromie countered hypermobility you must’ve been playing against complete scrubs.

Not really, no, Anub’arak is still top dog right now.

You’re comparing a level 13 talent to a basic ability, a level 20 talent, and trait. It’s literally not the same dude. Everything you compared it to requires a specific setup one way or another, Bye Bye had no cd and was an unconditional escape which if the enemy doesn’t have efficient cc, you could always escape. Good riddance to annoying trash I say.


Interesting. I didn’t even know such a rule exists. LOL.

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Tazrizen, you just hit it on the head. Die hard Chromie players do not play her to take camps, they play her for her predictive skill shot/reward game play and burst potential. The best part of playing Chromie was the imbalance of hero damage to siege. Now, she feels low impact and just plain boring. I have played over 3,000 games on Chromie and from my experience the people who were truly advocating a nerf were low skilled players who didn’t understand basic game mechanics. This is a flat out assassination of everything that made Chromie fun to play.


seems like you had no clue about basic game mechanics either.
low impact and boring?
chromie is a lot funner to play with manually activating her E
if you couldn’t see how powerful chromie’s lvl 18, then ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Lol “bye bye” was the worst designed talent ever. She is supposed to be a hero where you need to position well, and “bye bye” took that away.

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I think you are one of those players who hated playing against Chromie. First of all, for that reason alone I won’t genuinely accept your replies. Second, Chromie is a combination of those characteristics, so you shouldn’t separate those. And of course I can think of other heroes who can achieve the same set of goals, but my point overall is that I dislike the fact that the developers had made Chromie lost her niche in the game. Seriously, with these changes, they should’ve just created a new hero!

Personally, I can always resort to playing other heroes available on my disposal. But making Chromie not bursty is just ridiculous!

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Yet again, they removed the uniqueness of a well designed hero. Diversifying bulls-hit. Now Chromie becomes another Jaina. Dragon’s Breath = Blizzard. Sand blast = Ice lance. Not exactly the same, but you get my point, they’re getting more and more similar. They tried to balance the gameplay too much that makes every hero so similar and can do pretty much the same things. Not every hero has to be good at PvP and has decent PvE. We pick different heroes because they’re good at different things. I’ve played many MOBA before, and HOTS’s heroes have the least uniqueness in gameplay and skills. And they’re making it worse every update.


Good points. People simply don’t want to admit this was a flat buff to chromie in exchange for Q hitting minions (which can also be considered a buff).

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