Falstad forgotten on mana twiks

Have you ever played him without mana starving? Simply look at his basic spell cost, they are laughably overpriced. Meanwhile Fenix having mana doesnt sound right to the dev. O, the standard falls.


Falstad’s mana consumption for damage output is fine. In fact, I’d say Falstad is one of the examples to look to for mana balance.


this in a nutshell, besides air muradin has a global, you can burn all your resources, hearth and be right back in it no problem.

or you could also not needlessly use your abilities, sure clearing that wave takes a tad longer without a hammer prep, but when your alone does that really matter?


Seriously, I spam my rod on cooldown, use barrel roll freely, and use hammers for EVERY wave, and I very rarely have mana problems. When I do have them, I hearth, come back, and I’m fine.

“Two for me, none for you” -twix

Falstad will have to snack some other time, he’s got a bird that has to carry him so he has to watch his weight.


Globals generally have higher mana costs because hearthing is less of an issue for them

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He already had his mana tweaks earlier than these other heroes…

Otherwise they remain high due to the nature of him being a global hero, since he can hearth and simply fly back to the lane in far less time than it would take other heroes.

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From the times i played falstad, mana issues were normal, but not in such way that i would call it a problem. Just dont spam abilities as soon as they are off cooldown, falstad is still an assassin that requires AA to be used, and he is good at it.

Most heroes with mana issues only have issues because people spam their abilities even when they dont have to.

  • If you look at imperius, he is difficult enough as it is, and you often want to use a combo, and this makes a very high consumption rate. Leaving out an ability is going to make him signficantly weaker. Imperius cant realy fall back as much to AA because he is a melee hero.
  • If you look at uther, his problem is that people want to keep healing, and thats the primary reason why they run out of mana. Just like people that spam potions with deckard, the urge to heal is too big on those heroes. And its worse, as when they dont heal and a teammate dies, they get blamed.
    Those are 2 examples where they are indeed a problem, as they both require usage to be effective (even if its just in the eye of those who recieve the healing, while it actualy is a useless heal).

But for a ranged assassin that is heavily AA oriented, running out of mana isnt directly a problem. Its a nice bonus to have the extra damage from abilities, but its not mandatory for their task. Since instead of a kill, just forcing an enemy to leave the lane can be equaly effective.

And thats why fenix doesnt need mana for its balance, balancing his cooldowns and damage can be more than enough. Or do you also think illidan needs mana?

It seems like most heroes got very small mana cost adjustments to bring them closer to the “middle of the pack” like Tychus and Malf.

I think Falstad should have gotten one of these minor mana cost reductions, as even though he is a global his mana costs are quite extreme just for this basic abilities. Most heroes have a lower mana cost for the ability they are intended to use most often - so for Falstad I think a 10 mana reduction on Hammerang (60 -> 50) would be enough.

Additionally I think Tyrael should also get the same treatment (Smite from 45 -> 35), but that is another story :yum: