I am not sure the exact reason behind this but yeah take a look for yourselves.
Whitemane - Heroes of the Storm
It was just a bug afterall.
I am not sure the exact reason behind this but yeah take a look for yourselves.
Whitemane - Heroes of the Storm
It was just a bug afterall.
Think they’re doing it to gather more data on reworked Whitemane since she’s part of free rotation.
Eh, maybe it’s just me.
Could be a good think after all.
Was surprised about this, as i had not found anything, that told why the same heroes were f2p a week after.
time to avoid playing QM at all costs and first ban genji in unranked so no one in my team first pick him.
Could it be just a momentary solution until they decide on the rotation?
Genji has every right to put a big deep salt in the wound for a whole month.
Like it or not
Unless those dummies play him and tank his winrate so yeah idk.
such a hero that requires a skill being put in free rotation will be such a disaster when people play him to level him up for gold while they have no clue about how to play him RIP his winrate. also i don’t need to witness more crappy players on such a hero feeding nonstop and making me lose games so i ban that hero in free rotation.
Learn to play
They are forcing us to main a couple of heroes
Good guy blizz
(Nha tbh I hate it)
Time to pick Taunt Varian into Genji.
why? a bad genji will just dive into your team 1v5 or into your towers since it’s in free rotation you don’t even need stuns or silence or taunt even
or it could be similar in effect to the battleground rotation as well. they stopped rotating them so frequently in order to keep things ‘stable’ for a longer period in terms of the meta.
the free rotation does actually have an effect on that to some degree. which as you are saying can impact meaningful data collection. if they stabilize it for a longer period though they could gather a better set of data.
thats just my opinion. i havent seen them talk about it.
Seems like another way to slowdown the cadence LOL. I mean considering the Reddit response in the past they do put some thought into the process. So I guess the guy handling this is looking to cut down on the work put into figuring out what to handle with the rotations.
That said, its not very good for newer accounts especially now during seasonal events as that means they won’t be able to level up new heroes as frequently as they would with a weekly rotation. This hurts more for people who don’t have a very wide pool or more importantly people who use these rotations for farming seasonal events.
Genji counters varian tbh.
I do wonder about the reason. It seems especially weird that they would do it during an event. It means new players will get fewer loot boxes, while veterans will get more.
You’d normally want the opposite.
On the plus side, they’ll play those heroes longer, and the practice will make them better. Which means in theory less Lvl 1 heroes pick in Storm league.
They could have extended only WM. Plus, I’m not sure they take most of the data form QM. Which is where free rotations have the most impact.
If it was about WM, that would be a strange decision as data from people who have not really played her before is pretty odd. And given that they already announced bigger changes to her, that data is rather useless for her currently active terribad incarnation.
Veterans usualy have all heroes leveled quite far already. And beyond level 11 its the same for both. Newbies by that still generaly get more chests. And even if they dont, its mostly cosmetics, the hero droprate is that low i wouldnt even consider it a reliable way to get new heroes to begin with.
Other than that, i think its actualy good that they give more than a week to try out a hero. Although a month is a bit much on that. It allows them to try more heroes for a longer period, which in the 1 week situation for me just came down to: rush that hero to level 5, then rush the next hero, etc, until the next week to repeat. You barely learned any hero that way.
Now there is plenty of time, and players are also slightly forced to learn that way. While also reducing the initial gold income with it, so they are less likely to buy a hero with gold that looks interesting, but doesnt suit their playstyle. After all, there is more time they have to recognise the heroes they like, even if its just the enemy playing them.
That’s not what I’ referring to. A new player can only get chests from the few heroes they have. So with longer rotations. They won’t have those Lvl 1 heroes to farm for loot boxes because they’re stuck with the same rotation for a month.
For them, each new rotations means more boxes. Now they can’t focus on lower level heroes.
I wouldn’t mind having rotations every two weeks. One month seems a bit long.
I would be down for 2 weeks tbh.