Explain this matchmaking

Just got paired with a 4 stack. HIGHEST lifetime win rate in the stack was 16% and highest kda was .9.

Other team also had a 4 stack, LOWEST lifetime win rate was 77%, and lowest KDA was 10. HTF does this make sense.

Talk about an absolute failure.


You went against a smurf stack, not much else to do than grind out the loss and hope they move to a MMR where you no longer meet them.

As KDA ratios do not mean anything for matchmaking purposes, only MMR does, you simply got unlucky by getting a premade of randoms vs a team of smurfs.

KDA is fluff.
Winrate is the history of:
MMR, which is the only value used for MM.

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Well considering everyone was over level 100 I would think MM would level out by then.

who should mr 16% be matched against?

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it is normal and show how this crap matchmaking work… MMR is hidden but im sure that count average of 5 RND… Sad story your team 10+20+30+10+900 and enemy 200+200+200+100+300

Problem is the buddy system think the 10+20+30+10+900 vs 200+200+200+100+300 is fair becasue the dude with the lvl 900 account makes the game more fair mmr wise.

High mmr players are paired with low mmr players to make the game more equal. But that wont be the case if the low account lvl team are all smurfs.

Master smurfs winning againts silver players in QM and you cant do anything since this game promote smurfs like hell. Atleast in Dota 2 you would get banned if you were smurfing in lower leagues casue your skill is way too high for that league in the first place.


thats how match making system works made by blizzard’s idea which is called “Fair and equal” its not about you to win every game, if u win too many times, blizzard placed you into crappy match to tone down your winrate >.>

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What time of day were you playing? Even in peak times the MM often just gives up and matches a 4 or 5 stack with any solo comp that is even close to being the same MMR and comp requirements.

Hots is suffering from a low player population in all regions outside the EU (even in the EU I’m not sure about off peak times) so you often get an imbalance the MMR averaging tries to solve, but sometimes fails. Sorry?

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  1. what you posted does not have any bearing on the match
  2. “Lifetime” stats does not say anything regarding frequency, initial placement, amount of games, etc etc. If these are accounts under lvl 100, then it’d be that much easier to pad games to have that sort of stats if those are filtered for only for modes that use mmr, or the whole thing could be bronze 5 shinanigans with tanked accounts that left games.
  1. ARAM does not have mmr, so the stack vs stack can be all sort of anything.
  2. Since you are not actually posting any metrics that determine mode, placement, and a number of telling remarks, that indicates how much you don’t know, but chose to come around and have something to complain about anyway as the magic of life is people using complaints as a veiled way to justify their ignorances (ie, you’re probably not hear to actually get an explanation)
  3. You also don’t indicate the source of the stats; they could be in-game (but filtered) or they could be third-party parsers, but do not have complete records of that players involved in the match. Spoiler alert: those games don’t seed the mmr and make the matches used in game.
  4. Even then, some stacks can pad their stats since games they leave ‘don’t count’ and they can boast higher kda or winrates by having their stack bail when they don’t win. If that puts them collectively in leaver queue, they can still farm stats while not having the same impact on their game mmr.
  5. the match could be leaver queue.

As a point of comparison, Heroesprofile lists the posting account (which may not be the one you’te playing on for this match) as a lvl 63 account. While it says NA, that doesn’t preclude that it’s a low-population server since NA includes Latin America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand, so you could be from a populace that just matches stacks against stacks as best it can due to that being all that queue.


Some of the players on the other team were Diamond and platinum. Everyone had well over 200 games played. I excluded all win rates from anything other than quick match.

The 4 stack I was paired with had winrates ranging from 13-16% AGAIN ALL OVER 200 QM matches played.

The other team all had over 200 quick matches played, with a Diamond 1, Diamond 4, A plat and gold player, all with 77+% lifetime win rates in quick match with 200+ games played.

The account I am posting on is not the account I was playing on.

The source of the stats was in game.
Heroesprofile listed QM MMR of other team as 2800-3300, and sub 1700 for my teammates.

SO in game and externally DRAMATIC difference. Not sure why you are trying to defend matchmaking but w/e.

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Because Hots QM is dumb and tries to pair 5 stacks with other 5 stacks no matter what rank, MMR, WR they have.
Same with it tries to pair a 4 stack with another 4 stack and so on.
It will throw balancing to the wind to try to find you the fastest match trying to pair the stacks. Hence the name, Quick Match.
If it can’t find you an accurate MMR match, it will “expand” its search after like 30 seconds and then you know the MMR for that game is going to be whack.

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[Explain this matchmaking]

The game does not match based on average lifetime win rate or kda.



Well, it’d help to actually think things through.

For one, you asked for an explanation, but when provided with possibilities to explain that, you see it as 'defending" the matching. Explanations for how things happen is not a ‘defense’ for them happening. While you might point at tone or choice of words, or whatever, the functional implication that I gave is that you are not actually looking for an explanation, and you have pretty much confirmed that notion.

So you making others out to be liar because you’re not honest with yourself. That tends to get people to get more frustrated with their activities because of the incongruities they are making, and they are the only ones that can agree to fix it for themselves.

In the reply, while offering more information, it’s still a loop of confirmation bias, and not actually conveying some of specifics specifically for the concern expressed. And that’s largely because you don’t actually want the ‘explanation’, you want to complain.

The fundamental issue for all games is that player ignorance leads to frustration. It doesn’t matter if the game had the best matching with skill-defined metrics, players that don’t know what to do to temper the expectations and performance will still petter out the same complaints from one game to the next. In a Souls’-like game, repeat deaths prey on player ignorance, in platformers a lack of knowing some of the movement commands limits capacity to get over hurdles, in facing games, gimmicks for manipulating acceleration that may not be apparent cause a deviation in performance from expectation, which leads to frustration, etc etc.

So the basic gist for most games is learning how to learn to reduce frustration. No amount of complaints on this forum is going to change that 5 stack, how mmr is calculated, and myriad of other things for years prior, and for years to come.

So the issue isn’t what you think i’m “defending” the issue is that you’re ‘defending’ your own ignorance. From a pragmatic point of view, looking to change the things that actually are in your control is much better than using complaints as an excuse to keep repeating the same things over and over again.

While you claim you removed anything that wasn’t quickmatch, the metrics that still catch your attention are things not based on quickmatch: so you’re cycling information as a means to frustrate yourself. Yes, functionally, if people have a rating in SL, then they probably have a ‘higher’ one in qm; but that’s an assumption, not actually ‘fact’ of the circumstances. MMR is just ‘math’ and ‘math’ is scary for most, so they look to skirt around it to find any and everything else to blame instead.

The basic ‘explanation’ for most matches boil down to "the math puts them in close enough range’. Nobody cares how the MMR got to that point because there’s a whole lot of ways that can be the case. And no matter how many alt accounts you make to one-off post about one match or another, it isn’t going to change.

What can change is on your end. That’s not a ‘defense’ of the game, it’s the practical reality of any game. People get frustrated over the same things, new game or no, and learning how to curb that is about the only thing a person can change about their gaming experience. Otherwise they just take from one game to the next, and keep posting the same things over and over again. Even with ‘better’ “moba” games had forums, they’d see the same things posted, verbatim, despite what differences were made. And for those that look at other genre, it’s a similar take.

So you can be scared of actually getting ‘answers’ you ask to get, or you can get over yourself and break the cycle.


Next time you have an extra million dollars lying around, you can totally give me 48.5%, because “the match puts it in close enough range”. (1700 mmr vs 3300 mmr). Close enough! Can’t believe someone put that much effort into a forum post using condescending and circuitous language that didn’t actually explain anything. Nice try though, you would probably make a good televangelist.

You still don’t get it, do you?

That was your title. People gave you the explanation of how and why. You proceed to call them defending this MM. The other guy called you out for it. You still consider him or others anything other than EXPLAINING. If you just want an echo chamber or to simply rant (aka emotional vent/response), don’t put something like explain (aka logical approach, to understand) in your post.

I should add for clarification, in case you still don’t understand.

Most players know HotS MM isn’t perfect. Definition of ‘fair/good’ differs depending on person, but even if they want change, some are simply restricted/limited due to current condition/state of HotS (they have very little budget, only to maintain, not to expand). That’s simply facing reality. This is the reason why some may sound/look indifferent, rather than show emotional outburst which seems you were expecting.

Oright. Mind as well, more clarifying,

As you stated, according to Heroesprofile, which is not fully accurate unless said player uploads all their gameplays.

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This is rare equivalent to having 84% winrate.

Certainly not diamond players.

I imagine you wouldn’t match them against master players either. Doesn’t quite answer where they should go tho.

QM=You can win a free match with 0% skills against trolls/leavers
QM=You lose if you vs against pre made team(you can win sometimes if you are lucky with right players)
QM=Click the QM button and pray that you win or not, being a good player helps but doesnt really matter.
QM=I can tell that QM is not rng at all, it was all made up ideas by blizzard to make everyone fair and equal.
Every games are going to be like that no matter what