Everyone come to my party!

No more all heroes being free!

No more A lot less players going in SL and picking a hero they’ve never touched.




Was about time. Now we can get some decent games again.

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I like funny stories too!

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Nah it will still happen. Just not as bad as it was when they were all free.

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:point_up_2: :muscle:



I’mma just going to celebrate no more every second game a clueless Abathur in my Quick Matches!


I’m going to bake some apple bread.


But it could be easily fixed by level restriction… missed those times, where people needed level 5 to play a hero in ranked…


Dibs on the vege-cupcake.

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I threw some gummy bears on them, they’e mine now :slight_smile:


I might be very special but my level 1+0xp wins are pretty much the same as serious picks. Which is pretty weird on its own.
Heck, my most serious heroes have the lowest winrates this season. I have around 20% both with Li Li and Ana. You can’t win this. Either you have to conclude that history doesn’t prove anything, or personal skill / influence doesn’t matter. Or both. (By the way, QM Li Li streak was 7:5. Didn’t touch her since the rework.)

The restriction isn’t a terribly big deal anyway. However, there are pay to win mechanics involved, the boost, as well as playing in a party. Level 5 can take about 12 matches, but you can take it down to 4-6.

I did benefit from the lack of it on Qhira, which I played cross-region first and then played straight in ranked. Starting with 3 wins.

I wouldn’t say you are very special, but seasonal winrates can be different, because meta changes, different mood and other factors can influence your performance. For example take Mei, my best performed hero. Last season I was around 64% and this season around 59%, but I played her less, but I am still around 60% overall. On the contrary my Kara is around 55%, but this season I have him on 38%. And I wouldn’t say I don’t know Kara and still I am sitting on a winrate below 40%. Some times you can have bad luck, some times your bad mood can drag you down and so on, few samples aren’t really enough to tell, if you really got worse or not.

This is an issue indeed, because cheating out levels doesn’t gives you the real experience you need to get better, that’s why I would rather prefer to put the restriction on 10 or 15, but it would make the game mode even more unpopular, so it’s at least a good start to have it on 5 as it was before.

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So naive…

Yea i’m naive to think otherwise but hey i dont get anymore Aba mirrior games anymore so that is a start.

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