Even worse ranking on bronze 5

So last year I was staying at bronze 5. And this year… Nothing has changed.
Last time I played HOTS actively like 4 or 5 months ago and ended up in bronze 5 after qualify matches (what a surprise).
But in this season I decided to comeback. So I qualified to bronze 5 (ofc I am) and… For some reason, while in previous season I was gaining at least 25 pts for win, now I gaining only 5-7.
Is that kind of joke? No reports, no AFKing, always fair play on last season and now I`m gaining even worse hidden rank on B5? How is that even possible?

And yes, “git gud” guys can get out of there, because my skill on my main characters only rising so rising winrate, but now I`m just stuck with this stupid system of bronze 5.

It is not really transparent what Blizzard does. In theory you are not affected by auto decay. You are anyhow deep in the Bronze 5 swamp, so if you want to climb you either need to play a lot or create a new account and prove yourself that you don’t belong there. What was your winrate last season in ranked play?

Last season when I played actively was 48% of winrate. I played 200+ mathces.
However, in the last season before nowadays I played 7 matches (looks like just opened game to qualify) and it was 43%.

That’s normal, your rank decays if you don’t play for a while, so since you can’t go lower than bronze 5, your decay causes you to earn (and lose) less points, as if you were in another rank under Bronze 5. (That rank actually exists, we just can’t see it)


Sorry to say but you are basically in the correct rank and until you improve you will not climb significantly.

So in that other topic you made, some of the posters tried explaining that “bronze 5” has ‘lower’ ranks below bronze 5, and it indicates people are that low by awarding lower points when they win games. (ie, if the point loss is less than 200 points, then players consider that ‘wood league’ below bronze.)

If you’re getting 5 points instead of 25, then you’ve dropped another ‘rank’ below what you were before. Placement matches, the first 3 matches of a season, shift points higher than regular matches do. So between where you ended last season, and how your placements went, you may have lost enough points to be yet another rung below “bronze 5”. Call it ‘bronze 8’ or ‘bronze 10’ if that makes more sense to you.

I don’t know enough of your circumstances to say if that’s based from temporary points (eg. players can lose points by leaving draft) or if you are now ‘hard stuck’ and need to convince the game you’re better than it rates by winning some consecutive games.