Why remove it? Some reddit scrubs whined to their dev last QnA?
Also nerf Fenix
Why remove it? Some reddit scrubs whined to their dev last QnA?
Also nerf Fenix
possibly their awesome engine is unable to afford an extra tab xd
they seemed to think that separating healing to allies and self healing was more important. Even though it’s not even tracked properly for like 20-30 abilities still… maybe more.
I like that they’re splitting them up–as sometimes “outhealing” the healer with Stitches was silly.
But they need to add an extra bar, not cut out something else.
Well I want it back, ugh they gotta remove most important stats off of it.
Now wait a minute mister necromancer
Haha I was joking!!!
The tin can needs a kick, so much of an over clutted kit.
I only play Fenix.
Not Tass? Why you got a Whitemane profile picture tho.
Paying respect to WM for 40 days after her rework.
Oh. She got nerfed lately right?
Welp, this rework is entire nerf by itself.
that exactly. i agree screw reddit most of people that goes there doesn’t even play the game instead of keep their stuff in their FORUMS they take it to that crap place. they appeared 1 or 2 times and said we’ll see more blue posts then disappeared cool story.
I also want the damage taken stat to be returned
If the part you said about they don’t even play is true, then this game’s just done with.
trust me most of these redditors just want the game to get worse and since the devs listen to them. here we are game losing more players every day for their horrible decisions by listening to redditors who doesn’t even play the game
i have found one case where the self healing stat is really nice: zarya. i always used to wonder if i was doing something wrong for my shielding numbers to be kinda wimpy, but i think it was simply that none of her self shielding was shown!
… of course, it would be even more useful to be able to see both the self shielding and the total damage taken q:
Exactly… why not keep both stats? They will lose players for this.
because it’s blizzard. Nailed it