Even Brawl matchmaking is starting to become unfair

Soooo i was playing Brawl today, out of the total 15 heroes my team got, the only supports are medivh and tassadar.
When the match started, enemy had an Ana.

Are you kidding me blizzard…

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ARAM = All Random All Mid.


Not really, there is role mirroring. If there really was no healer option the brawl seems to use the old system (while QM for example uses the new system already effectively).

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Indeed, I don’t get the complaints about brawls, they have no skill based MM, they are just random, something to have fun with.

random is random, yes that means each team could only have 1 healer option,
and theirs could be stukov and yours could be tassadar.

however it could also mean you get a full team of mephistos on your team! :smiley:
(imagine that ult? XD)

You know what I hate about Brawl? The fact some people just afk play for loot. I mean, I get it you want that loot and to rid leaver but at least please play and not just sit in base. I enjoy Brawl more if all you peeps and the enemy actually duke it out mid.


i agree, i hate people who does that, even worser i got matched 2 games in a row with the same afkers, yet we 3 vs 5 and won both

You should know by now that this game doesn’t match for quality…it matches for speed and speed only.

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As far as i am aware, brawl has always had wonky matchmaking in that it ignores any form of MMR and the RNG related to character select.

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Blizzard really does need to make sure a healer is available on both sides if one is available to a single side. Yeah I’ve gotten Tassadar as the only “healer” available on my team when the other team gets Morales or Lucio. It’s pretty much an auto loss and no fun.