Error 2: 1073741819

SERIOUSLY?? no one es gonna fix this issue?? i mean i’ve read all the post’s about this problem, i have tried EVERY SINGLE THING trying to fix it, believe me everything… and again blizzard doesn’t help. I have been dealing with for weeks and still can’t play HOTS, not even WoW, so tell me do i have to just stop playing? Please HELP i want to play

This error is caused by a conflict between Heroes of the Storm and Razer Synapse software. It only occurs if you launch Heroes of the Storm while Razer Synapse is running.

To resolve this issue, close Razer Synapse from the system tray and launch Heroes of the Storm. If you continue to receive this error, disable Razer Synapse from starting with Windows or uninstall it from your computer.

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Well thats a problem cause i dont have any razer synapse


Is this error happening immediately upon launch and are there any other errors that pop up in addition to the Error 2?

Hello Calystol, it seems it was something with the Windows update, i updated the system and now i can get into the game, but now it does’t fully load, i can’t play, cant get into mi heroes, cant see the shop or do anything, what sould i do now?

Hello Firecat,

I’m glad to hear you were able to get the game started! Sometimes virus scanners or firewalls can block Heroes causing this issue. Try temporarily disabling them and see if the game loads.

Disabling Security Applications

If you are still having issues, check your port settings to insure Heroes is not being restricted .

Configuring Router and Firewall Ports

If you continue to have issues after that, please try the steps in this article.

Heroes of the Storm Connection Problems

So, I had been suffering from this error message and was not able to find a solution untill I disabled IBM Security Trusteer. I did not know that was stopping HOTS from executing. Once I disabled it, everything worked. Hope this helps.