DW will always be a problem to this game

Deathwing’s winrate is insanely high though, kael’thas is balanced. No one here is complaining about Kael. His breath is different from living bomb since the explosion happens literally instantly. So if you managed to get clumped by cc, you will be taking an insane amount of damage no matter what.

And won’t hit anything ever? Man you’re sounding like a bad deathwing player then… haha. No wonder you think he’s fine. You probably play him and get outplayed at every turn and think he’s horrible. Which is funny because Deathwing is insanely easy… again, pointing back to his still overpreforming winrate paired with his very high pick rate. Which is a double whammy for a hero being strong, when it’s both picked heavily and being far above the average in winrate. It shows any player can get value with him, even the bad ones.

You have no leg to stand on. You can come with any old excuse but here’s the thing. Deathwing has been out for a long time now. People have learned to deal with him, but they still have trouble.

Deathwing has been nerfed pretty majorly several times, and yet even with those big nerfs he’s still at an overpreforming winrate… which should tell you something…

You can bark all you like, statistics show he’s still overtuned and that has more merit than any “Duuuh, counteeeeers, duuuuuh, get guuud.” And what ever other dribble comes from your miserable mouth.

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