DW will always be a problem to this game

People who say Tychus counters deathwing makes me laugh with how uninformed they are. You have your team to deal with him. And Tychus has such short range that he easily gets caught up in all of Deathwings abilities.

He is not as good against a good deathwing as you think he is. But anyways, you don’t play Deathwing into a team who can kill him. You pick him last where he can’t so easily be countered.

Play Leoric, take the extend drain life talent… wath him fall

In theory. Good luck actually using it that way. You fight a lot of Sgt. Hammers that don’t know they can press Z? Then Molten Flame is the build for you!

Except the fact that Deathwing can’t turn. Which means the ability doesn’t hit anything ever.

Oh also Diablo’s has a really nasty slow, so you can both hit people even easier and set up for your team.


More proof that the only people who think Deathwing is OP are the “Kael’thas is OP” crowd.


I mean sure Leoric is a main counter, but again you are using him to counter one hero on the enemy team while the enemy team has free range to do as they please. Thing is, Deathwing has few counters, and a Deathwing player won’t pick deathwing into them anyways. And in Qm you it’s random so you won’t likely find any of his counters there anyways.

Very stupid to say “Just pick his counter” When that doesn’t solve any of the problems.

Leoric, Greymane, Malthael, Tychus, Nova, Gul’Dan, Lunara, Chromie, Li-Ming – basically the entire list of characters has something they can contribute to taking down Deathwing. He isn’t OP, he is misunderstood. You can’t just run into his face and hope that you kill him, because chances are unless you’re a Malthael, you’re going to die.

He is a bruiser, he has a lot of HP. Poke him like you would another tank. Don’t just go faceroll your keyboard and cry because he is self healing off of you because you’re standing under his wing.


Deathwing’s winrate is insanely high though, kael’thas is balanced. No one here is complaining about Kael. His breath is different from living bomb since the explosion happens literally instantly. So if you managed to get clumped by cc, you will be taking an insane amount of damage no matter what.

And won’t hit anything ever? Man you’re sounding like a bad deathwing player then… haha. No wonder you think he’s fine. You probably play him and get outplayed at every turn and think he’s horrible. Which is funny because Deathwing is insanely easy… again, pointing back to his still overpreforming winrate paired with his very high pick rate. Which is a double whammy for a hero being strong, when it’s both picked heavily and being far above the average in winrate. It shows any player can get value with him, even the bad ones.

You have no leg to stand on. You can come with any old excuse but here’s the thing. Deathwing has been out for a long time now. People have learned to deal with him, but they still have trouble.

Deathwing has been nerfed pretty majorly several times, and yet even with those big nerfs he’s still at an overpreforming winrate… which should tell you something…

You can bark all you like, statistics show he’s still overtuned and that has more merit than any “Duuuh, counteeeeers, duuuuuh, get guuud.” And what ever other dribble comes from your miserable mouth.

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You know Leoric can provide utility to your team. His Q can slow, he can wave clear, oh and entomb. Leoric has tons of HP, and a on demand unstoppable.

With the level 20 silence upgarde on entomb his a late game stomper.

So it unfair to say you only take him as a DW counter when he can provide for the team. AND sorry you only know march

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He doesn’t even have a short range. Short range heroes are Cassia and Dva.

It’s the first time I give you the Reason, Bubblez, DW is still unbalanced.

Deathwing is still broken whether we like it or not; the statistics do not lie, he still has a considerably high winrate, banrate and pickrate, which gives me to think: Why do people still defend him? The advantages of DW are absolute. He is always seen in the high leagues, and that is for something.

Forgive me but honestly, DW needs one more nerf.

And now I know not to care.

Heroes is not balanced around QM. It will never be balanced around QM and never should be balanced around QM.

DW was balanced before his last nerf. Now he’d probably be considered slightly undertuned if looked at by the numbers of his kit, but that’s off set by the number of people who refuse to adapt to playing against a hero that can’t be CC’ed.

He’ll be tweaked in to relative balance eventualy. Honestly i appreciate that hots is still willing to release these weird and almost experimental hero designs.

There are so many different ways to counter Deathwing nowadays. I’ve found Orphea to be an incredible counter, Deathwing is basically a free pass for Orphea to dance around the battlefield and do as she pleases.

Other than specific counters, the pros have said that people fail to play against Deathwing because they have the mentality that to win they need to kill. Deathwing is incredibly slow and can’t rotate as easily, you outplay Deathwing by isolating him and then rotating on his team. Fighting Deathwing is just playing his game, he has the high ground there. But if you play to his weaknesses, Deathwing can easily become a burden to his allies. But people can’t grasp this simple concepts, and as such consider him OP. The so called statistics only show he’s being picked and banned, but they don’t show why, and the truth is that his “OPness” does not come from his numbers, or even his kit. It comes from the very core of his design, and that’s something that cannot be fixed without destroying what he is and represents. The devs have a very complex task in their hands, indeed, to try and make him feel less OP if they so choose. The easy way is a nerf so he brings less benefits, yes, but I wonder, how much is enough? and when is it too much? It is such a subjective matter, after all.

Also, Blubblez… Resorting to name calling and insults proves no more than your lack of manners and respect, and is contraproducent to your point. People already barely take you seriously, for what I have seen before. You’re just making it worse. Then again, it might be hard-wired in your brain… Oh, poor thing. Oh, and refrain from mentioning me if you have nothing useful to say, will you? I have no interest in your… Barbaric babbling.

Only people who cant kill without cc still calls for nerf on a hero who already now got a fine winrate. 54% winrate is not high Bluddlez. that’s a ok winrate for a hero. But if you still think that is high then you need to get down on the ground again cause that makes no sense. You say people still have problems with him in games. Well guess what. They are properly the same people who refuse to adapt to his cc immunity. You forget even tho his main weakness is % dmg he also suffers from poke dmg or from heroes who can stick on him for a long time. Also have a little respect for other when you talk here. This forum is not a schoolyard were you can talk like you want. No wonder no one take you serious these days.

oh god back to “Deathwing so OP that he ruined the game” pls stop already… find something else to complain about instead… something that isn’t ridiculous like this.

But that’s what they will keep doing. Instead of just adapting they come here and ask for nerfs just because a DW in their game killed him over and over again. It really is this pathetic now to watch.

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didn’t you notice that they only come here to complain about DW is when they lose to him? :unamused:


Ofc no one comes and tells us how many wins they had with him haha.

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i actually got to play him in SL few times and all of them were wins. i posted a game in replays thread was my favourite game so i was like “post” :smile: oh no now they’ll say i play “OP heroes” D:

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His winrate is not even that high anymore. Its just people have been used to kill others with cc but now when they release a hero who laughs at cc comps then people have no clue what to do

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that’s the moment where you should use your brain and figure out how to deal with the situation rather than cry about it.