D.VA Updates, 16 shield indicator + call mech ability

D.VA’s lv 16 emergency shielding definitely needs an indicator; as of now it’s anyone’s guess during a longer teamfight when the 30 sec are over to proc again.
In addition, it would be good to adapt the “Call Mech” ability in a way that its transformation into mech is instant instead of a 0,5??sec delay. Too many times I got killed after hearing the “Call Mech” sound but before I actually got into mech. Alternatively - if you don’t want any buffs - adapt it to “after 0,x sec call a mech”, so it’s clear this has a delay time.
Generally the hero needs a buff to be competitive, interesting would be the ability (D) to change into pilot mode manually (1 min cd) , could change playstyle significantly.

There’s an indicator that’s visible below D.Va’s model when playing either as D.Va or against D.Va, the same way that Diablo has an indicator below his model when he has 100 Souls or Junkrat when Dirty Trickster is available.

If you mean a cooldown, you can see this on D.Va’s trait icon.

As to the tooltip, yeah, it’s a bit misleading. There’s a few tooltips that need a touch up though, like look at Anub’arak’s Q.