almost kill her ( mech )
She jumps out , ( full health )
Almost kill her too , calls a new mech .
mech is back to full health
kill it , shes back out again, but with full health…
its not a problem of balance or difficulty to deal with, its more a question of logic . why can simply going in or out of a mech get her instantly to full health ?!
why wouldnt she simply have her own health separate from the mech ?
so if she would be really injured when outside, she would recover he HP slowly until it would get back to full health again or something. ( like 2 health bars , one for her and one for the mech )
add to that fact that she has an EXCELENT escape or chasing tool.
in many occasions ive seen Dvas chase and kill an emey under their towers and get away relatively safely .
im not saying shes unbalanced , because i have killed my share of people under enemy towers with medivh or some other characters. im just saying its a thing about her HP that bothers me lol
No its not. Before her rework you didn’t give a f*** about her hp mechanics. And now you have a problem with it? Nah, your just whining because you like to whine about nothing.
agreed there should be a hard cooldown on how often she can summon mech,
atleast 20 seconds between seems right.
but as a trade off i don’t think mech deaths should count as deaths, because noone died.
While I do find her somewhat balanced at the moment, I do agree the Mech summon frequency is a bit annoying.
Especially since it has 0s cooldown, if Self-destruct was used to enter Pilot Mode.
Would be nice if it was at least a couple seconds.
It would feel kind of bad using abilities and AA’s on her with no reward. Killing her Mech would give nothing to the person who used resources against it.
of course i did mentioned that before in the past too lol its not just some random thing that started annoying me overnight
like i said , im not complaning balance wise and stuff , shes balanced , its the logic of ,
“im almost dead” gets in mech mech gets immediately wrecked back to full health in less than 3 seconds lol
i dont think there should be a nerf on that, Dva isnt a character thats easily balanced but i thinks shes good . not sure if the changes made on her were positives or negatives in the view of Dva mains but thats a whole different debate lol
just to be clear, im not saying im annoyed by it gameplay wise , its the logical side . think like in a different game
“hey , my car is damaged pretty hard , i know lets put it in my garage !” parks car in garage takes out car 5 seconds later car is now in perfect condition
im not against it, but logic bothers me just as much XD
thats not wrong
thats sound more like a nerf and i dont think it would be right .
really ? is she just popular because of popularity’s sake due to the rework or is it due to overperformance ??
me realizing ive have never even considered this possibility
me then realizing the actual consequences conservation of mass from transforming back and forth into a bird and i shouldnt think too hard about it because ill end up overthing thinking stuff again . . . .
i mean, transforming back and forth would have devastating consequences to medivh’s surrounding , like a small explosion’s worth of damage kind of consequences ! this would be way overthinking this but its deffintely interesting !
but what about alexstraza
damn it Hoku !!
ok, never mind my issue with Dva. its now irrelevant to the headache of trying to put logic into those 2 !