Dude, where's my xp?

It’s not enough I was thrown into Bronze 5, today I log in and I have zero XP…

Have mercy!!!

Might be a loading issue. Some people say that if this happens, wait a few minutes and all your progress should eventually load in. If it still does not, make sure you logged into the correct region.

If you are referring to experience gained after finishing a match, there is a cap at around 524,287 experience per match, after which you get 0 experience for that match. This is usually only an issue if experience farming using beginner difficulty versus AI.

If you are referring to ranked MMR gain or loss, then at the lower points of Bronze 5 the points are very compressed, meaning that wins and losses might only move you a single point or two. Points in this range are more valuable than points in other tiers and leagues. This was done to avoid the need for “iron”, “wood” or other such tiers below bronze.