So… can we please have some consensus in the community to disprove the titled statement? I’m sick of people exclaiming someone is a noob if they focus a tank who is in easy reach.
If you spend time to walk past the enemy frontline to get to their backline, you’ve essentially wasted about 3 basic attacks which is about 600 damage. If 5 of you do this, that’s 3000 damage to get to your target. And they may just kite you and this continues on, until your team is dead.
If you spent that 3000 dmg on the tank, you’d find that they’ll have to back up. And that’s your chance to jump on to more squishier targets including the tank if he tries to peel. With half health a tank is basically a squishy target as well.
It’s really just about doing as much Damage as possible until someone squishier gets into your team’s range and ego your reach.
If you have dive comp, go for the hard engage and if an enemy mage walks in front of their tank, that’s your que to jump on the mage. If you can’t secure the kill, don’t chase because chances are that you will not get the kill while their entire team collapse on you, and you’ll be the one who’s dead.
And I see this a lot - ignoring tanks like Muradin who can do a sizeable chunk of damage to your backline. Sure if you can secure kills at their backline, go for it, but if you don’t have the fire power because you need assistance from your backline, don’t expect your backline to be able to run past Muradin to get to your target. Muradin can chunk your backline’s health to about half before your backline can reach the enemy’s backline, which makes them easy pray to getting shot by 1 basic ability once they step out into the enemy’s backline making it a 4v5. It is best to protect your backline in this case by peeling for them.
In summary, maximise your damage output, even if it means hitting tanks.